ALEXA logo and images of BC Cancer Agency
Button link to homepage of the ALEXA-Seq website Button link to an introduction to the ALEXA-Seq website Button link to detailed methods for how ALEXA-Seq is used to study alternative transcript expression Button link to results for a validation experiment using the ALEXA-Seq approach Button link to the download area for supplementary data and source code


Ideally your browser will correctly display SVGs without you having to do anything. Try browsing to some of the summary and gene pages of the ALEXA-Seq viewer with your default browser. If you can see the histograms, bar graphs, etc. in these pages then you probably have a browser that supports SVGs. There are various ways to manipulate these images to facilitate creation of figures. For example, in Firefox, you can right-click the image, select 'This Frame' and then 'Print Frame'. You can then print the image to PDF. The PDF can then be opened using software such as Adobe Illustrator and as a scalable vector graphic it will be 'objectified'. Alternatively, you can right-click the image, select 'View Selection Source' and then save the resulting text as an '.svg' file. This SVG file can then be viewed and modified using any one of a number of SVG editors such as the open source tool: Inkscape. Unfortunately, not all browsers support display of SVGs, particularly the compressed SVGs that we use. If the images do not appear for you, try one of the following options.

Option 1. Update your browser

Most major browsers now have native support for SVGs. We have had good results with recent versions of Firefox, Chrome and Opera. If your browser has not been updated in a long time, a new version may fix or improve an SVG display problems you are having. FireFox (version 1.5+) and Opera (version 8+) and Chrome have native SVG support. The latest versions of Safari, Konqueror and Camino claim some level of SVG support. Internet Explorer does not have native SVG support (see option 3 if you must use IE).

Option 2. Install or update the Mozilla FireFox browser

If you are not using FireFox as your browser, try installing it. FireFox has native support for SVG images and we have found it to be the most reliable for displaying the SVGs used in the ALEXA-Seq viewer. If you are using a very old version of FireFox you may need to update it. If you wish to try this option, go to the FireFox Download page. FireFox is open-source, free, and available for Mac, Windows and Linux operating systems.

Option 3. Install an SVG viewer

There are several stand-alone SVG viewers that act as plug-ins for various browsers. I have had some luck with the beta version of Adobe SVG viewer (v 6.0) available here or the last stable release provided by Adobe (v 3.03) available here. Additional viewers are described here. Note that if you install the Adobe SVG viewer in FireFox, you may need to turn off native SVG support by loading the URL 'about:config' and switching 'svg.enabled' to false.

Option 4. Contact us

If none of these options work for you, contact us with details of your system (operating system and browser version).

Button link to main ALEXA home page Button link to ALEXA-Arrays home page Button link to ALEXA-Seq home page Button link to acknowledgements of funding and other support for Malachi Griffith and Marco Marra Button link to contact information for Malachi Griffith and Marco Marra