DATA PRESENTED IN: Rene L Warren; Chen Yang; Benjamin P Vandervalk; Bahar Behsaz; Albert Lagman; Steven JM Jones; Inanc Birol (2015) LINKS: Scalable, alignment-free scaffolding of draft genomes with long reads. GigaScience. DOI: 10.1186/s13742-015-0076-3 To re-run LINKS assemblies on genomes <=12 Mbp, simply run (./ at the unix shell. Make sure you have sufficient RAM on your machine before you do so. The LINKS distribution also includes these shell scripts in the ./test folder. will run the following scripts: ./ final LINKS assembly/output (re-scaffolded from contigs): ecoliK12-ONT_linksSingleIterationTIG.* final LINKS assembly/output (re-scaffolded from scaffolds): ecoliK12-ONT_linksSingleIterationSCAFF.* ./ final LINKS assembly/output: STH58links11.* ./ final LINKS assembly/output (full 2D R7): K12links30.* ./ final LINKS assembly/output (raw R7.3): RK12links30.* ./ final LINKS assembly/output (all 2D R7): AK12links30.* ./ final LINKS assembly/output: S288clinks29.* ./ final LINKS assembly/output: S288cNANOlinks40.* ./ final LINKS assembly/output: W303links27.* ./ final LINKS assembly/output: W303NANOlinks29. For larger genomes (A. thaliana and P. glauca), we provide the shell recipes (parameters) and final re-scaffolded assemblies: A. thaliana (120 Mbp genome) =========================== Ler-1 Allpaths-LG assemblies of Illumina reads, LINKS re-scaffolded with: ECTools-corrected Pacbio reads : final LINKS assemblies/output:ecapATlinks4.* Raw Pacbio reads : final LINKS assemblies/output: rawapATlinks4.* Illumina assembly (Schatz lab, LINKS re-scaffolded with RAW or ECTools-corrected Pacbio reads: final LINKS assemblies/output: RAW: rawillATlinks4.* ECTools: ecillATlinks4.* P. glauca (white spruce, PG29, 20 Gbp genome) Illumina assembly of PG29 re-scaffolded with WS77111 genotype: final LINKS assembly/output: whiteSpruceLINKS14.*