#RLW Dec 2010 1. Copy and decompress file gunzip sangerNilluminaSSAKE.tar.gz tar -xvf sangerNilluminaSSAKE.tar 2. Files A. assembly files are in the ./edit_dir To load a consed assembly, simply run: >FULL_PATH_TO_YOUR_CONSED/consed & and select: alltig.fa.ace.1 B. contig files: For your convenience, I have dumped all contigs from the .ace file: allContigs.fasta and made a wuBLAST blastable database: allContigs.fasta.* Note, If wu-BLAST (now AB-BLAST) isn't installed on your system, but have access to ncbiBLAST, create ncbiBLAST indexes using formatdb. C. chromatograms and phred files may you need to access the original chromatograms and phreded files (phd), you will find the files in the ./chromat_dir and ./phd_dir, respectively