# ARCS ## Assembly Round-up by Chromium Scaffolding ### Using 10X Genomics linked reads for draft genome scaffolding ## A step-by-step guide ### RL Warren, January 2017 rwarren at bcgsc.ca ===== ## Alignments ===== ### renumber your draft I strongly suggest that you renumber your draft assembly incrementally before you begin, to avoid surprises down the road. cat YOURDRAFT.fa |perl -ne 'chomp;if(/^\>/){$ct++;print ">$ct\n";}else{print "$_\n";}' > YOURDRAFT-renamed.fa ### create bwa mem index nohup /gsc/btl/linuxbrew/bin/bwa index YOURDRAFT-renamed.fa ### align gemcode, and/or chromium [rwarren@hpce704]$ ./run-alignments.sh ### create alignment.fof Include the full path to your bam files ===== ## Scaffolding ===== 1. Run ARCS [./runmeARCS.sh] nohup ./runmeARCS.sh note: ARCS will be expecting the barcode at the end of the read name, in this format: READNAME_TAGCATAGACATCAGA 2. Make checkpoint file for LINKS nohup ./runmeTSV.sh 3. Run LINKS scaffolding a) Create empty file touch empty.fof b) Launch LINKS [./runmeLINKS.sh] nohup ./runmeLINKS.sh