scatter module

class mavis.illustrate.scatter.ScatterPlot(points, y_axis_label, ymax=None, ymin=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, hmarkers=None, height=100, point_radius=2, title='', yticks=None, colors=None)[source]

Bases: object

holds settings that will go into matplotlib after conversion using the mapping system

mavis.illustrate.scatter.draw_scatter(DS, canvas, plot, xmapping)[source]

given a xmapping, draw the scatter plot svg group

  • DS (DiagramSettings) – the settings/constants to use for building the svg
  • canvas (svgwrite.canvas) – the svgwrite object used to create new svg elements
  • plot (ScatterPlot) – the plot to be drawn
  • xmapping (dict of Interval by Interval) – dict used for conversion of coordinates in the xaxis to pixel positions