main module

mavis.cluster.main.main(inputs, output, stranded_bam, library, protocol, disease_status, masking, annotations, limit_to_chr=['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', 'X', 'Y'], cluster_clique_size=10, cluster_radius=100, uninformative_filter=True, max_proximity=5000, min_clusters_per_file=50, max_files=100, fetch_method_individual=True, log_args=False, **kwargs)[source]
  • inputs (List of str) – list of input files to read
  • output (str) – path to the output directory
  • stranded_bam (bool) – is the bam using a strand specific protocol
  • library (str) – the library to look for in each of the input files
  • protocol (PROTOCOL) – the sequence protocol (genome or transcriptome)
  • masking (object) – see load_masking_regions()
  • cluster_clique_size (int) – the maximum size of cliques to search for using the exact algorithm
  • cluster_radius (int) – distance (in breakpoint pairs) used in deciding to join bpps in a cluster
  • uninformative_filter (bool) – if True then clusters should be filtered out if they are not within a specified (max_proximity) distance to any annotation
  • max_proximity (int) – the maximum distance away an annotation can be before the uninformative_filter is applied
  • annotations (object) – see load_reference_genes()
  • min_clusters_per_file (int) – the minimum number of clusters to output to a file
  • max_files (int) – the maximum number of files to split clusters into