[2019-08-29 10:11:25,966] multiqc [DEBUG ] No MultiQC config found: /home/rcorbett/python-2.7-venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/multiqc_config.yaml [2019-08-29 10:11:25,967] multiqc [DEBUG ] No MultiQC config found: /home/rcorbett/.multiqc_config.yaml [2019-08-29 10:11:25,967] multiqc [DEBUG ] No MultiQC config found: multiqc_config.yaml [2019-08-29 10:11:25,968] multiqc [DEBUG ] Command used: /home/rcorbett/python-2.7-venv/bin/multiqc -f -v . [2019-08-29 10:11:27,275] multiqc [DEBUG ] Latest MultiQC version is v1.7 [2019-08-29 10:11:27,275] multiqc [INFO ] This is MultiQC v1.7 [2019-08-29 10:11:27,275] multiqc [DEBUG ] Command : /home/rcorbett/python-2.7-venv/bin/multiqc -f -v . [2019-08-29 10:11:27,275] multiqc [DEBUG ] Working dir : /projects/rcorbettprj2/TechD/10x_vs_inhouse/bams [2019-08-29 10:11:27,275] multiqc [INFO ] Template : default [2019-08-29 10:11:27,276] multiqc [INFO ] Searching '.' [2019-08-29 10:11:27,276] multiqc [DEBUG ] Analysing modules: custom_content, conpair, peddy, methylQA, phantompeakqualtools, qualimap, preseq, quast, qorts, rna_seqc, rsem, rseqc, busco, goleft_indexcov, disambiguate, supernova, deeptools, sargasso, verifybamid, mirtrace, happy, homer, macs2, theta2, snpeff, gatk, htseq, bcftools, featureCounts, dedup, damageprofiler, picard, prokka, samblaster, samtools, bamtools, jellyfish, vcftools, longranger, stacks, bbmap, bismark, biscuit, hicexplorer, hicup, hicpro, salmon, kallisto, slamdunk, star, hisat2, tophat, bowtie2, bowtie1, kat, leehom, adapterRemoval, clipandmerge, cutadapt, flexbar, trimmomatic, skewer, sortmerna, biobloomtools, fastq_screen, afterqc, fastp, fastqc, minionqc, clusterflow, bcl2fastq, interop, flash [2019-08-29 10:11:27,280] multiqc [DEBUG ] Using temporary directory for creating report: /projects/bioSCRATCH/rcorbett/tmpXQSfTz [2019-08-29 10:11:27,544] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring directory as matched fn_ignore_dirs: ./multiqc_data [2019-08-29 10:13:25,523] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring directory as matched fn_ignore_dirs: ./inhouse/individual_cells/multiqc_data [2019-08-29 10:13:45,720] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: multiqc_report.html [2019-08-29 10:13:46,931] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_DeadCell_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:13:46,931] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_DeadCell_1.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:13:47,278] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_DeadCell_1.bam.pdf [2019-08-29 10:13:47,946] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_DeadCell_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:13:47,946] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_DeadCell_2_2.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:13:48,283] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_DeadCell_2_2.bam.pdf [2019-08-29 10:13:48,935] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_DeadCell_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:13:48,935] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_DeadCell_2.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:13:49,247] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_DeadCell_2.bam.pdf [2019-08-29 10:13:49,930] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_DeadCell.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:13:50,241] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_DeadCell.bam.pdf [2019-08-29 10:13:51,032] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-gDNA_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:13:51,033] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-gDNA_1.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:13:51,033] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-gDNA_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:13:51,034] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-gDNA_2_2.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:13:51,034] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-gDNA_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:13:51,035] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-gDNA_2.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:13:51,036] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-NCC1.bam [2019-08-29 10:13:51,036] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-NCC1.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:13:51,037] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-NCC2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:13:51,037] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-NCC2_2.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:13:51,038] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-NCC2.bam [2019-08-29 10:13:51,038] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-NCC2.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:13:51,039] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-NTC_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:13:51,039] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-NTC_1.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:13:51,040] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-NTC_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:13:51,040] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-NTC_2_2.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:13:51,041] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-NTC_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:13:51,041] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-NTC_2.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:13:52,639] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-CSC_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:13:52,641] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-CSC_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:13:52,642] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-CSC_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:22,953] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: qualimapReport.html [2019-08-29 10:14:25,814] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: qualimapReport.html [2019-08-29 10:14:28,939] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: qualimapReport.html [2019-08-29 10:14:32,009] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: qualimapReport.html [2019-08-29 10:14:35,084] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_DeadCell_1.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:14:35,093] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_DeadCell_2_2.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:14:35,095] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_DeadCell_2.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:14:35,098] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-CSC_1.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:14:35,100] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-CSC_2_2.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:14:35,103] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-CSC_2.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:14:35,105] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-gDNA_1.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:14:35,107] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-gDNA_2_2.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:14:35,110] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-gDNA_2.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:14:35,112] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-NCC1.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:14:35,115] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-NCC2_2.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:14:35,117] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-NCC2.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:14:35,119] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-NTC_1.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:14:35,122] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-NTC_2_2.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:14:35,124] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: merged_GSC-NTC_2.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:14:35,139] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44746_ACTGAT-ACCCAG_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:35,365] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44747_ATCCTA-ACCCAG_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:35,606] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44748_CACTCA-ACCCAG_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:35,832] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44749_CCGCAA-ACCCAG_GSC-NCC1_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:36,053] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44750_GAAACC-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:36,284] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44751_GCCTTA-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:36,535] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44752_TCCCGA-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:36,768] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44753_TTCGAA-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:36,996] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44754_GTCCGC-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:37,227] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44755_GCCAAT-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:37,460] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44756_AAAGCA-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:37,706] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44757_AATAGG-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:37,941] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44758_AGAAGA-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:38,184] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44759_CAGGCG-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:38,417] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44760_GAATAA-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:38,658] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44761_GCTCCA-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:38,895] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44762_TCGAAG-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:39,148] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44763_TTCTCC-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:39,390] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44764_GTGAAA-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:39,680] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44765_CAGATC-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:39,907] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44766_AAATGC-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:40,149] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44767_ACAAAC-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:40,390] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44768_AGATAG-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:40,628] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44769_ATGAGC-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:40,867] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44770_CGAGAA-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:41,104] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44771_GACGGA-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:41,349] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44772_GGCACA-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:41,690] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44773_TCGGCA-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:41,933] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44774_AGGTTT-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:42,160] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44775_GTGGCC-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:42,420] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44776_ACTTGA-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:42,669] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44777_ACATCT-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:42,898] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44778_AGCATC-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:43,127] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44779_ATTCCT-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:43,388] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44780_CATTTT-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:43,616] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44781_CGGAAT-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:43,851] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44782_TCTACC-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:44,083] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44783_AGTCAA-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:44,308] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44784_ATCACG-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:44,568] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44785_AACCCC-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:44,818] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44786_ACCCAG-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:45,072] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44787_AGCGCT-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:45,322] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44788_CCAACA-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:45,568] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44789_CTAGCT-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:45,811] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44790_GATGCT-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:46,040] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44791_TAATCG-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:46,296] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44792_TGAATG-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:46,547] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44793_AGTTCC-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:46,784] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44794_CGATGT-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:46,904] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44795_TAGCTT-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:47,219] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44796_AACTTG-ACCCAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:47,456] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44797_CAACTA-ACCCAG_GSC-NCC1_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:47,692] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44798_CCACGC-ACCCAG_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:47,927] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44799_CTATAC-ACCCAG_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:48,163] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44800_GCAAGG-ACCCAG_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:48,377] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44801_ACTGAT-AGCGCT_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:48,585] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44802_ATCCTA-AGCGCT_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:48,820] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44803_CACTCA-AGCGCT_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:49,052] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44804_CCGCAA-AGCGCT_GSC-NCC1_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:49,275] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44805_GCCTTA-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:49,505] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44806_TCCCGA-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:49,743] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44807_TTCGAA-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:49,981] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44808_GTCCGC-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:50,218] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44809_AAAGCA-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:50,450] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44810_AATAGG-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:50,676] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44811_AGAAGA-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:50,915] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44812_ATCTAT-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:51,160] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44813_CCTTAG-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:51,395] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44814_GAATAA-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:51,640] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44815_GCTCCA-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:51,901] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44816_TCGAAG-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:52,138] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44817_TTCTCC-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:52,406] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44818_GTGAAA-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:52,663] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44819_CAGATC-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:52,914] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44820_ACAAAC-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:53,165] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44821_AGATAG-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:53,434] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44822_ATGAGC-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:53,665] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44823_CATGGC-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:53,911] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44824_GACGGA-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:54,145] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44825_AGGTTT-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:54,409] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44826_GTGGCC-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:54,652] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44827_ACTTGA-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:54,897] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44828_CGTACG-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:55,153] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44829_AGCATC-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:55,407] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44830_ATTCCT-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:55,650] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44831_CATTTT-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:55,893] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44832_CGGAAT-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:56,144] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44833_GGCCTG-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:56,397] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44834_GTTTCG-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:56,634] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44835_ATCACG-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:56,883] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44836_GATCAG-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:57,132] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44837_ACCCAG-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:57,390] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44838_AGCGCT-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:57,628] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44839_CAAAAG-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:57,869] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44840_CCAACA-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:58,125] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44841_CTAGCT-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:58,416] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44842_GATGCT-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:58,673] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44843_TAATCG-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:58,803] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44844_TGAATG-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:59,169] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44845_AGTTCC-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:59,422] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44846_CGATGT-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:59,690] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44847_TAGCTT-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:14:59,948] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44848_ACCGGC-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:00,199] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44849_AGGCCG-AGCGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:00,479] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44850_CAACTA-AGCGCT_GSC-NCC1_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:00,737] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44851_CCACGC-AGCGCT_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:00,976] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44852_CTATAC-AGCGCT_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:01,265] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44853_GCAAGG-AGCGCT_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:01,529] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44854_ACTGAT-CAAAAG_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:01,760] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44855_ATCCTA-CAAAAG_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:02,010] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44856_CACTCA-CAAAAG_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:02,252] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44857_GAAACC-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:02,558] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44858_GCCTTA-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:02,817] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44859_TCCCGA-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:03,099] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44860_TTCGAA-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:03,353] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44861_GTCCGC-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:03,681] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44862_GCCAAT-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:03,938] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44863_AAAGCA-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:04,190] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44864_AGAAGA-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:04,618] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44865_ATCTAT-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:04,887] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44866_CAGGCG-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:05,185] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44867_CCTTAG-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:05,463] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44868_GAATAA-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:05,718] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44869_GCTCCA-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:05,973] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44870_TCGAAG-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:06,229] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44871_GTGAAA-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:06,495] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44872_AAATGC-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:06,744] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44873_ACAAAC-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:06,984] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44874_AGATAG-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:07,237] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44875_ATGAGC-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:07,502] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44876_CATGGC-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:07,756] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44877_CGAGAA-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:07,982] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44878_GACGGA-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:08,243] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44879_TCGGCA-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:08,522] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44880_AGGTTT-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:08,763] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44881_GTGGCC-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:09,027] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44882_ACTTGA-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:09,284] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44883_CGTACG-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:09,569] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44884_ACATCT-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:09,827] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44885_AGCATC-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:10,087] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44886_ATTCCT-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:10,342] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44887_CATTTT-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:10,644] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44888_CGGAAT-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:10,895] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44889_GATATA-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:11,141] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44890_GGCCTG-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:11,403] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44891_TCTACC-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:11,658] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44892_AGTCAA-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:11,802] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44893_ATCACG-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:12,171] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44894_GATCAG-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:12,424] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44895_AACCCC-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:12,670] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44896_ACCCAG-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:12,895] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44897_AGCGCT-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:13,125] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44898_CAAAAG-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:13,391] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44899_CCAACA-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:13,691] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44900_CTAGCT-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:13,919] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44901_GATGCT-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:14,162] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44902_TGAATG-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:14,396] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44903_AGTTCC-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:14,624] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44904_CGATGT-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:14,854] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44905_TAGCTT-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:15,095] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44906_ACCGGC-CAAAAG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:15,379] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44907_CAACTA-CAAAAG_GSC-NCC1_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:15,636] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44908_CCACGC-CAAAAG_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:15,881] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44909_CTATAC-CAAAAG_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:16,121] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44910_GCAAGG-CAAAAG_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:16,330] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44911_ACTGAT-CCAACA_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:16,597] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44912_ATCCTA-CCAACA_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:16,861] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44913_CACTCA-CCAACA_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:17,111] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44914_CCGCAA-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:17,392] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44915_GAAACC-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:17,639] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44916_GCCTTA-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:17,899] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44917_TCCCGA-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:18,194] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44918_TTCGAA-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:18,477] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44919_GTCCGC-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:18,749] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44920_GCCAAT-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:18,994] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44921_AAAGCA-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:19,253] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44922_AATAGG-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:19,520] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44923_AGAAGA-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:19,775] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44924_ATCTAT-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:20,048] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44925_CAGGCG-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:20,344] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44926_CCTTAG-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:20,675] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44927_GAATAA-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:20,933] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44928_GCTCCA-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:21,234] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44929_TCGAAG-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:21,512] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44930_TTCTCC-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:21,771] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44931_GTGAAA-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:22,075] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44932_CAGATC-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:22,344] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44933_AAATGC-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:22,613] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44934_ACAAAC-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:22,863] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44935_ATGAGC-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:23,118] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44936_CGAGAA-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:23,367] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44937_GACGGA-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:23,627] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44938_GGCACA-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:23,873] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44939_TCGGCA-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:24,142] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44940_AGGTTT-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:24,388] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44941_GTGGCC-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:24,526] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44942_ACTTGA-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:24,865] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44943_CGTACG-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:25,096] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44944_ACATCT-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:25,332] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44945_AGCATC-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:25,588] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44946_ATTCCT-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:25,814] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44947_CATTTT-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:26,056] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44948_CGGAAT-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:26,427] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44949_GATATA-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:26,712] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44950_TCTACC-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:26,937] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44951_AGTCAA-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:27,170] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44952_ATCACG-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:27,399] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44953_GATCAG-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:27,634] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44954_AACCCC-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:27,881] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44955_AGCGCT-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:28,121] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44956_CAAAAG-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:28,362] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44957_CCAACA-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:28,621] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44958_CTAGCT-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:28,847] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44959_GATGCT-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:29,075] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44960_TAATCG-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:29,304] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44961_TGAATG-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:29,567] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44962_AGTTCC-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:29,795] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44963_CGATGT-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:30,017] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44964_TAGCTT-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:30,274] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44965_AACTTG-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:30,520] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44966_ACCGGC-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:30,760] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44967_AGGCCG-CCAACA_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:31,000] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44968_CAACTA-CCAACA_GSC-NCC1_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:31,262] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44969_CCACGC-CCAACA_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:31,508] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44970_CTATAC-CCAACA_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:31,753] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44971_GCAAGG-CCAACA_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:31,990] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44972_ACTGAT-CTAGCT_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:32,220] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44973_ATCCTA-CTAGCT_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:32,478] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44974_CACTCA-CTAGCT_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:32,706] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44975_CCGCAA-CTAGCT_GSC-NCC1_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:32,928] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44976_GAAACC-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:33,178] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44977_GCCTTA-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:33,434] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44978_TCCCGA-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:33,683] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44979_TTCGAA-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:33,919] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44980_GTCCGC-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:34,154] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44981_GCCAAT-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:34,416] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44982_AAAGCA-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:34,661] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44983_AGAAGA-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:34,916] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44984_ATCTAT-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:35,152] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44985_CAGGCG-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:35,391] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44986_GCTCCA-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:35,631] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44987_TCGAAG-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:35,854] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44988_TTCTCC-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:36,090] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44989_GTGAAA-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:36,313] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44990_CAGATC-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:36,435] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44991_AAATGC-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:36,797] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44992_ACAAAC-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:37,043] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44993_AGATAG-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:37,281] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44994_ATGAGC-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:37,532] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44995_CATGGC-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:37,764] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44996_CGAGAA-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:38,008] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44997_GACGGA-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:38,237] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44998_GGCACA-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:38,678] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B44999_AGGTTT-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:38,926] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45000_GTGGCC-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:39,170] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45001_ACTTGA-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:39,417] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45002_CGTACG-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:39,650] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45003_ACATCT-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:39,889] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45004_ATTCCT-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:40,122] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45005_CGGAAT-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:40,371] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45006_GATATA-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:40,609] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45007_GGCCTG-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:40,829] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45008_AGTCAA-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:41,051] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45009_GTTTCG-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:41,293] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45010_ATCACG-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:41,536] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45011_ACCCAG-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:41,776] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45012_AGCGCT-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:42,009] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45013_CAAAAG-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:42,251] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45014_CCAACA-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:42,517] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45015_CTAGCT-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:42,764] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45016_GATGCT-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:43,007] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45017_TAATCG-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:43,239] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45018_TGAATG-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:43,477] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45019_AGTTCC-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:43,719] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45020_CGATGT-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:43,960] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45021_AACTTG-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:44,192] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45022_ACCGGC-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:44,444] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45023_AGGCCG-CTAGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:44,686] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45024_CAACTA-CTAGCT_GSC-NCC1_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:44,904] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45025_CCACGC-CTAGCT_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:45,135] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45026_CTATAC-CTAGCT_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:45,371] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45027_GCAAGG-CTAGCT_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:45,597] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45028_ACTGAT-GATGCT_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:45,819] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45029_ATCCTA-GATGCT_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:46,054] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45030_CACTCA-GATGCT_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:46,276] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45031_CCGCAA-GATGCT_GSC-NCC1_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:46,529] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45032_GAAACC-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:46,843] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45033_GCCTTA-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:47,080] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45034_TCCCGA-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:47,303] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45035_TTCGAA-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:47,536] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45036_GTCCGC-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:47,778] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45037_GCCAAT-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:48,022] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45038_AATAGG-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:48,268] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45039_AGAAGA-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:48,402] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45040_ATCTAT-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:48,806] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45041_CAGGCG-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:49,053] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45042_CCTTAG-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:49,289] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45043_GAATAA-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:49,537] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45044_GCTCCA-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:49,764] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45045_TCGAAG-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:49,994] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45046_TTCTCC-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:50,233] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45047_GTGAAA-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:50,484] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45048_AAATGC-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:50,735] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45049_AGATAG-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:50,968] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45050_ATGAGC-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:51,208] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45051_CATGGC-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:51,459] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45052_CGAGAA-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:51,695] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45053_GACGGA-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:51,929] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45054_GGCACA-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:52,177] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45055_TCGGCA-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:52,432] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45056_AGGTTT-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:52,669] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45057_GTGGCC-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:52,905] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45058_ACTTGA-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:53,155] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45059_CGTACG-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:53,448] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45060_ACATCT-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:53,721] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45061_AGCATC-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:53,940] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45062_ATTCCT-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:54,185] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45063_CATTTT-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:54,456] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45064_CGGAAT-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:54,692] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45065_GATATA-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:54,925] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45066_GGCCTG-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:55,174] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45067_TCTACC-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:55,500] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45068_GTTTCG-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:55,744] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45069_ATCACG-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:55,994] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45070_GATCAG-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:56,246] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45071_AACCCC-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:56,545] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45072_ACCCAG-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:56,796] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45073_AGCGCT-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:57,040] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45074_CAAAAG-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:57,281] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45075_CTAGCT-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:57,538] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45076_GATGCT-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:57,779] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45077_TAATCG-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:58,020] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45078_TGAATG-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:58,272] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45079_AGTTCC-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:58,534] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45080_TAGCTT-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:58,779] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45081_ACCGGC-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:59,018] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45082_AGGCCG-GATGCT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:59,257] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45083_CAACTA-GATGCT_GSC-NCC1_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:59,519] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45084_CCACGC-GATGCT_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:59,754] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45085_CTATAC-GATGCT_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:15:59,992] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45086_GCAAGG-GATGCT_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:00,213] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45087_ACTGAT-TAATCG_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:00,496] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45088_ATCCTA-TAATCG_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:00,619] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45089_CACTCA-TAATCG_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:00,972] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45090_CCGCAA-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:01,201] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45091_GAAACC-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:01,453] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45092_GCCTTA-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:01,705] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45093_TTCGAA-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:01,931] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45094_GCCAAT-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:02,174] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45095_AAAGCA-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:02,429] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45096_AATAGG-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:02,677] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45097_AGAAGA-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:02,924] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45098_ATCTAT-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:03,177] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45099_CAGGCG-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:03,436] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45100_CCTTAG-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:03,684] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45101_GAATAA-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:03,936] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45102_TTCTCC-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:04,181] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45103_GTGAAA-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:04,413] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45104_CAGATC-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:04,655] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45105_AAATGC-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:04,887] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45106_ACAAAC-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:05,125] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45107_AGATAG-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:05,382] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45108_ATGAGC-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:05,744] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45109_CATGGC-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:06,005] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45110_CGAGAA-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:06,247] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45111_GACGGA-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:06,499] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45112_GGCACA-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:06,749] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45113_TCGGCA-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:06,995] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45114_AGGTTT-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:07,229] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45115_GTGGCC-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:07,506] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45116_ACTTGA-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:07,754] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45117_CGTACG-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:08,015] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45118_ACATCT-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:08,278] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45119_CATTTT-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:08,560] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45120_CGGAAT-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:08,820] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45121_GATATA-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:09,059] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45122_GGCCTG-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:09,302] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45123_TCTACC-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:09,547] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45124_AGTCAA-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:09,791] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45125_GTTTCG-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:10,035] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45126_ATCACG-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:10,290] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45127_GATCAG-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:10,556] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45128_AACCCC-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:10,800] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45129_ACCCAG-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:11,053] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45130_AGCGCT-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:11,307] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45131_CAAAAG-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:11,577] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45132_CCAACA-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:11,807] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45133_GATGCT-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:12,049] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45134_TAATCG-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:12,298] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45135_TGAATG-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:12,554] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45136_CGATGT-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:12,863] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45137_TAGCTT-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:12,992] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45138_AACTTG-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:13,346] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45139_ACCGGC-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:13,600] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45140_AGGCCG-TAATCG_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:13,836] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45141_CCACGC-TAATCG_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:14,067] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45142_CTATAC-TAATCG_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:14,314] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45143_GCAAGG-TAATCG_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:14,557] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45144_ACTGAT-AGTTCC_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:14,795] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45145_ATCCTA-AGTTCC_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:15,039] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45146_CACTCA-AGTTCC_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:15,275] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45147_CCGCAA-AGTTCC_GSC-NCC1_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:15,518] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45148_GCCTTA-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:15,751] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45149_TCCCGA-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:16,031] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45150_TTCGAA-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:16,280] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45151_GCCAAT-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:16,520] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45152_AAAGCA-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:16,855] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45153_AATAGG-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:17,128] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45154_AGAAGA-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:17,515] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45155_ATCTAT-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:17,756] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45156_CCTTAG-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:17,998] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45157_GAATAA-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:18,280] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45158_TCGAAG-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:18,543] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45159_TTCTCC-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:18,825] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45160_GTGAAA-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:19,076] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45161_AAATGC-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:19,326] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45162_ACAAAC-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:19,601] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45163_AGATAG-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:19,868] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45164_CGAGAA-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:20,116] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45165_GACGGA-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:20,368] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45166_GGCACA-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:20,619] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45167_TCGGCA-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:20,891] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45168_GTGGCC-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:21,139] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45169_ACTTGA-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:21,424] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45170_CGTACG-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:21,685] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45171_ACATCT-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:21,925] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45172_AGCATC-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:22,166] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45173_CATTTT-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:22,403] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45174_GATATA-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:22,644] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45175_GGCCTG-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:22,880] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45176_AGTCAA-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:23,110] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45177_GTTTCG-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:23,342] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45178_ATCACG-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:23,579] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45179_GATCAG-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:23,831] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45180_AACCCC-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:24,079] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45181_ACCCAG-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:24,409] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45182_AGCGCT-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:24,658] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45183_CAAAAG-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:24,891] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45184_CTAGCT-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:25,142] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45185_GATGCT-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:25,409] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45186_TAATCG-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:25,538] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45187_TGAATG-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:25,874] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45188_AGTTCC-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:26,094] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45189_CGATGT-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:26,342] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45190_TAGCTT-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:26,577] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45191_AACTTG-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:26,819] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45192_ACCGGC-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:27,057] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45193_AGGCCG-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:27,303] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45194_CAACTA-AGTTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:27,547] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45195_CCACGC-AGTTCC_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:27,779] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45196_CTATAC-AGTTCC_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:28,008] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45197_GCAAGG-AGTTCC_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:28,221] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45198_ACTGAT-CGATGT_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:28,454] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45199_ATCCTA-CGATGT_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:28,689] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45200_CACTCA-CGATGT_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:28,918] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45201_CCGCAA-CGATGT_GSC-NCC1_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:29,167] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45202_GAAACC-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:29,462] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45203_TCCCGA-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:29,714] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45204_TTCGAA-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:29,965] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45205_GTCCGC-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:30,213] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45206_GCCAAT-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:30,482] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45207_AAAGCA-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:30,722] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45208_ATCTAT-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:30,959] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45209_CAGGCG-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:31,235] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45210_CCTTAG-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:31,495] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45211_GAATAA-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:31,730] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45212_GCTCCA-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:31,991] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45213_TCGAAG-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:32,243] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45214_TTCTCC-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:32,516] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45215_GTGAAA-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:32,779] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45216_AAATGC-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:33,049] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45217_AGATAG-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:33,305] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45218_ATGAGC-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:33,561] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45219_CATGGC-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:33,805] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45220_GACGGA-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:34,051] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45221_GGCACA-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:34,287] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45222_TCGGCA-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:34,539] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45223_ACTTGA-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:34,780] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45224_CGTACG-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:35,027] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45225_ACATCT-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:35,273] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45226_AGCATC-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:35,507] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45227_ATTCCT-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:35,742] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45228_CATTTT-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:35,980] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45229_GATATA-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:36,228] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45230_GGCCTG-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:36,471] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45231_TCTACC-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:36,907] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45232_AGTCAA-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:37,145] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45233_GTTTCG-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:37,389] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45234_ATCACG-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:37,622] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45235_AACCCC-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:37,760] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45236_ACCCAG-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:38,132] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45237_AGCGCT-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:38,363] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45238_CCAACA-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:38,611] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45239_CTAGCT-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:38,849] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45240_GATGCT-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:39,109] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45241_TAATCG-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:39,395] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45242_TGAATG-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:39,640] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45243_CGATGT-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:39,890] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45244_TAGCTT-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:40,144] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45245_AACTTG-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:40,387] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45246_ACCGGC-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:40,657] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45247_AGGCCG-CGATGT_DeadCell_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:40,893] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45248_CAACTA-CGATGT_GSC-NCC1_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:41,121] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45249_CCACGC-CGATGT_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:41,353] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45250_CTATAC-CGATGT_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:41,595] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45251_GCAAGG-CGATGT_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_1.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:41,833] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45252_ACTGAT-CTATAC_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:42,063] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45253_ATCCTA-CTATAC_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:42,336] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45254_CACTCA-CTATAC_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:42,561] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45255_CCGCAA-CTATAC_GSC-NCC2_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:42,792] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45256_GAAACC-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:43,020] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45257_GCCTTA-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:43,283] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45258_TCCCGA-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:43,517] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45259_TTCGAA-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:43,762] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45260_GTCCGC-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:43,996] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45261_GCCAAT-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:44,230] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45262_AAAGCA-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:44,466] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45263_AATAGG-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:44,710] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45264_ATCTAT-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:44,962] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45265_CCTTAG-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:45,200] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45266_GAATAA-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:45,459] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45267_TCGAAG-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:45,700] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45268_TTCTCC-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:45,933] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45269_GTGAAA-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:46,198] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45270_CAGATC-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:46,460] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45271_AAATGC-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:46,701] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45272_ACAAAC-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:46,933] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45273_AGATAG-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:47,157] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45274_ATGAGC-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:47,421] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45275_CATGGC-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:47,643] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45276_CGAGAA-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:47,876] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45277_GGCACA-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:48,109] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45278_TCGGCA-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:48,341] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45279_GTGGCC-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:48,580] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45280_ACTTGA-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:48,809] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45281_CGTACG-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:49,050] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45282_ACATCT-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:49,291] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45283_ATTCCT-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:49,535] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45284_CGGAAT-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:49,678] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45285_GATATA-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:50,016] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45286_GGCCTG-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:50,250] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45287_TCTACC-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:50,495] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45288_GTTTCG-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:50,735] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45289_ATCACG-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:50,982] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45290_GATCAG-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:51,216] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45291_AACCCC-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:51,453] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45292_ACCCAG-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:51,689] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45293_AGCGCT-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:51,922] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45294_CAAAAG-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:52,161] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45295_CCAACA-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:52,483] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45296_CTAGCT-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:52,716] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45297_GATGCT-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:52,969] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45298_TAATCG-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:53,212] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45299_TGAATG-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:53,465] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45300_CGATGT-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:53,702] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45301_TAGCTT-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:53,936] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45302_AACTTG-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:54,176] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45303_ACCGGC-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:54,417] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45304_AGGCCG-CTATAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:54,667] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45305_CAACTA-CTATAC_GSC-NCC2_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:54,904] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45306_CCACGC-CTATAC_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:55,130] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45307_CTATAC-CTATAC_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:55,377] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45308_GCAAGG-CTATAC_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:55,603] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45309_ACTGAT-GCAAGG_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:55,819] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45310_ATCCTA-GCAAGG_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:56,078] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45311_CACTCA-GCAAGG_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:56,324] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45312_CCGCAA-GCAAGG_GSC-NCC2_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:56,561] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45313_GCCTTA-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:56,802] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45314_TCCCGA-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:57,042] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45315_TTCGAA-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:57,278] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45316_GTCCGC-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:57,519] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45317_AAAGCA-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:57,758] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45318_AATAGG-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:57,998] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45319_AGAAGA-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:58,264] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45320_ATCTAT-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:58,519] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45321_CAGGCG-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:58,764] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45322_CCTTAG-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:59,010] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45323_GAATAA-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:59,252] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45324_GTGAAA-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:59,507] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45325_AAATGC-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:59,735] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45326_ACAAAC-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:16:59,979] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45327_AGATAG-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:00,229] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45328_ATGAGC-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:00,490] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45329_CATGGC-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:00,732] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45330_GGCACA-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:01,010] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45331_TCGGCA-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:01,258] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45332_GTGGCC-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:01,501] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45333_ACTTGA-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:01,632] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45334_CGTACG-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:01,988] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45335_ACATCT-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:02,228] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45336_AGCATC-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:02,468] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45337_ATTCCT-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:02,718] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45338_CATTTT-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:02,985] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45339_CGGAAT-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:03,227] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45340_GATATA-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:03,486] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45341_TCTACC-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:03,729] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45342_GTTTCG-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:03,982] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45343_ATCACG-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:04,237] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45344_GATCAG-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:04,487] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45345_AACCCC-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:04,732] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45346_AGCGCT-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:04,976] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45347_CAAAAG-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:05,217] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45348_CCAACA-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:05,470] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45349_CTAGCT-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:05,712] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45350_GATGCT-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:05,945] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45351_TAATCG-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:06,189] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45352_TGAATG-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:06,488] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45353_CGATGT-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:06,718] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45354_TAGCTT-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:06,957] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45355_AACTTG-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:07,192] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45356_ACCGGC-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:07,431] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45357_AGGCCG-GCAAGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:07,662] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45358_CAACTA-GCAAGG_GSC-NCC2_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:07,896] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45359_CCACGC-GCAAGG_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:08,144] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45360_CTATAC-GCAAGG_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:08,383] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45361_GCAAGG-GCAAGG_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:08,600] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45362_ACTGAT-TACAGC_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:08,813] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45363_ATCCTA-TACAGC_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:09,050] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45364_CACTCA-TACAGC_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:09,279] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45365_CCGCAA-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:09,512] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45366_GAAACC-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:09,747] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45367_GCCTTA-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:09,979] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45368_TCCCGA-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:10,217] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45369_TTCGAA-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:10,489] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45370_GTCCGC-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:10,732] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45371_AAAGCA-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:10,977] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45372_AATAGG-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:11,206] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45373_AGAAGA-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:11,450] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45374_ATCTAT-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:11,687] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45375_CAGGCG-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:11,923] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45376_CCTTAG-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:12,167] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45377_GAATAA-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:12,405] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45378_TCGAAG-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:12,653] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45379_TTCTCC-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:12,903] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45380_GTGAAA-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:13,194] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45381_CAGATC-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:13,486] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45382_AAATGC-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:13,627] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45383_ACAAAC-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:13,976] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45384_AGATAG-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:14,226] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45385_ATGAGC-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:14,487] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45386_CATGGC-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:14,724] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45387_CGAGAA-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:14,970] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45388_GGCACA-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:15,235] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45389_TCGGCA-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:15,498] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45390_AGGTTT-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:15,745] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45391_ACTTGA-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:15,989] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45392_ACATCT-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:16,263] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45393_AGCATC-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:16,520] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45394_ATTCCT-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:16,780] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45395_CATTTT-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:17,011] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45396_CGGAAT-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:17,247] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45397_GATATA-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:17,482] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45398_TCTACC-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:17,755] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45399_AGTCAA-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:18,003] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45400_GTTTCG-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:18,237] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45401_ATCACG-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:18,490] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45402_GATCAG-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:18,738] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45403_ACCCAG-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:18,992] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45404_AGCGCT-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:19,241] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45405_CAAAAG-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:19,487] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45406_CCAACA-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:19,726] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45407_GATGCT-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:19,947] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45408_TAATCG-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:20,173] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45409_TGAATG-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:20,417] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45410_AGTTCC-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:20,657] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45411_CGATGT-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:20,892] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45412_TAGCTT-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:21,118] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45413_AACTTG-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:21,375] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45414_ACCGGC-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:21,622] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45415_AGGCCG-TACAGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:21,863] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45416_CAACTA-TACAGC_GSC-NCC2_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:22,103] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45417_CCACGC-TACAGC_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:22,352] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45418_CTATAC-TACAGC_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:22,609] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45419_GCAAGG-TACAGC_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:22,835] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45420_ACTGAT-TGCCAT_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:23,063] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45421_ATCCTA-TGCCAT_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:23,356] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45422_CACTCA-TGCCAT_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:23,589] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45423_CCGCAA-TGCCAT_GSC-NCC2_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:23,836] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45424_GAAACC-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:24,081] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45425_GCCTTA-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:24,320] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45426_TCCCGA-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:24,576] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45427_TTCGAA-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:24,816] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45428_GTCCGC-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:25,061] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45429_GCCAAT-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:25,301] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45430_AAAGCA-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:25,556] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45431_AATAGG-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:25,680] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45432_AGAAGA-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:26,035] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45433_ATCTAT-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:26,279] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45434_CAGGCG-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:26,530] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45435_CCTTAG-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:26,769] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45436_GAATAA-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:27,028] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45437_GCTCCA-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:27,273] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45438_TCGAAG-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:27,535] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45439_GTGAAA-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:27,772] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45440_CAGATC-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:28,016] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45441_AAATGC-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:28,270] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45442_ACAAAC-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:28,547] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45443_AGATAG-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:28,830] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45444_CATGGC-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:29,116] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45445_CGAGAA-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:29,425] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45446_GACGGA-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:29,673] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45447_GGCACA-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:29,919] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45448_AGGTTT-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:30,168] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45449_GTGGCC-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:30,467] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45450_ACTTGA-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:30,737] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45451_ACATCT-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:30,989] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45452_AGCATC-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:31,242] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45453_ATTCCT-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:31,493] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45454_CATTTT-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:31,726] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45455_CGGAAT-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:31,976] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45456_GATATA-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:32,208] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45457_GGCCTG-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:32,456] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45458_AGTCAA-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:32,705] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45459_GATCAG-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:32,947] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45460_AACCCC-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:33,190] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45461_ACCCAG-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:33,464] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45462_AGCGCT-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:33,733] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45463_CAAAAG-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:33,995] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45464_CCAACA-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:34,256] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45465_CTAGCT-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:34,511] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45466_GATGCT-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:34,759] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45467_TGAATG-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:34,994] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45468_AGTTCC-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:35,225] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45469_CGATGT-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:35,487] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45470_TAGCTT-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:35,746] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45471_AACTTG-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:35,990] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45472_ACCGGC-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:36,225] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45473_CAACTA-TGCCAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:36,479] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45474_CCACGC-TGCCAT_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:36,709] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45475_CTATAC-TGCCAT_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:36,954] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45476_GCAAGG-TGCCAT_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:37,176] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45477_ACTGAT-ATGTCA_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:37,428] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45478_ATCCTA-ATGTCA_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:37,678] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45479_CACTCA-ATGTCA_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:37,892] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45480_CCGCAA-ATGTCA_GSC-NCC2_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:38,016] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45481_GAAACC-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:38,374] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45482_TCCCGA-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:38,633] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45483_TTCGAA-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:38,900] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45484_GTCCGC-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:39,155] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45485_AATAGG-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:39,430] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45486_AGAAGA-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:39,690] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45487_ATCTAT-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:39,959] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45488_CAGGCG-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:40,212] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45489_CCTTAG-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:40,594] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45490_GAATAA-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:40,890] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45491_GCTCCA-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:41,131] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45492_TCGAAG-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:41,376] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: multiqc_report.html [2019-08-29 10:17:41,381] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45493_TTCTCC-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:41,678] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45494_CAGATC-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:41,913] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45495_AAATGC-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:42,154] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45496_ACAAAC-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:42,394] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45497_AGATAG-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:42,653] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45498_ATGAGC-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:42,882] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45499_CATGGC-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:43,127] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45500_GACGGA-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:43,398] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45501_GGCACA-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:43,883] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45502_TCGGCA-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:44,144] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45503_AGGTTT-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:44,451] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45504_GTGGCC-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:44,699] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45505_ACTTGA-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:44,948] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45506_CGTACG-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:45,198] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45507_ACATCT-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:45,548] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45508_AGCATC-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:45,799] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45509_ATTCCT-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:46,042] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45510_CATTTT-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:46,276] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45511_CGGAAT-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:46,536] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45512_GATATA-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:46,773] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45513_TCTACC-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:47,109] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45514_AGTCAA-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:47,343] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45515_GTTTCG-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:47,620] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45516_ATCACG-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:47,859] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45517_GATCAG-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:48,107] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45518_ACCCAG-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:48,335] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45519_AGCGCT-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:48,582] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45520_CAAAAG-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:48,818] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45521_CCAACA-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:49,060] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45522_CTAGCT-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:49,337] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45523_GATGCT-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:49,573] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45524_TAATCG-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:49,805] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45525_TGAATG-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:50,049] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45526_AGTTCC-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:50,277] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45527_AACTTG-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:50,528] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45528_ACCGGC-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:50,766] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45529_AGGCCG-ATGTCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:50,898] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45530_CAACTA-ATGTCA_GSC-NCC2_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:51,277] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45531_CCACGC-ATGTCA_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:51,514] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45532_CTATAC-ATGTCA_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:51,751] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45533_GCAAGG-ATGTCA_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:51,967] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45534_ACTGAT-TTAGGC_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:52,185] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45535_ATCCTA-TTAGGC_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:52,425] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45536_CACTCA-TTAGGC_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:52,664] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45537_CCGCAA-TTAGGC_GSC-NCC2_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:52,901] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45538_GCCTTA-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:53,112] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45539_TTCGAA-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:53,385] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45540_GTCCGC-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:53,661] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45541_GCCAAT-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:53,914] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45542_AAAGCA-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:54,166] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45543_AATAGG-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:54,439] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45544_AGAAGA-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:54,724] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45545_ATCTAT-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:54,961] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45546_CCTTAG-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:55,197] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45547_GAATAA-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:55,432] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45548_GCTCCA-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:55,664] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45549_GTGAAA-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:55,905] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45550_CAGATC-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:56,132] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45551_AAATGC-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:56,364] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45552_ACAAAC-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:56,618] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45553_AGATAG-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:56,848] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45554_CATGGC-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:57,067] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45555_CGAGAA-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:57,301] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45556_GACGGA-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:57,545] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45557_GGCACA-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:57,785] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45558_TCGGCA-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:58,014] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45559_AGGTTT-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:58,258] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45560_GTGGCC-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:58,518] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45561_ACTTGA-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:58,766] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45562_CGTACG-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:59,000] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45563_ACATCT-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:59,241] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45564_AGCATC-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:59,494] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45565_ATTCCT-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:59,741] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45566_CATTTT-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:17:59,963] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45567_GATATA-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:00,205] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45568_GTTTCG-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:00,455] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45569_ATCACG-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:00,682] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45570_GATCAG-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:00,926] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45571_AACCCC-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:01,166] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45572_AGCGCT-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:01,413] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45573_CAAAAG-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:01,644] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45574_GATGCT-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:01,877] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45575_TAATCG-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:02,110] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45576_TGAATG-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:02,333] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45577_CGATGT-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:02,576] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45578_TAGCTT-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:02,715] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45579_AACTTG-TTAGGC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:03,075] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45580_CAACTA-TTAGGC_GSC-NCC2_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:03,311] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45581_CCACGC-TTAGGC_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:03,545] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45582_CTATAC-TTAGGC_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:03,788] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45583_GCAAGG-TTAGGC_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:04,014] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45584_ACTGAT-GGCTAC_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:04,252] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45585_ATCCTA-GGCTAC_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:04,507] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45586_CACTCA-GGCTAC_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:04,716] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45587_CCGCAA-GGCTAC_GSC-NCC2_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:04,930] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45588_GAAACC-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:05,158] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45589_GCCTTA-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:05,400] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45590_TCCCGA-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:05,656] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45591_TTCGAA-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:05,895] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45592_GTCCGC-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:06,131] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45593_GCCAAT-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:06,358] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45594_AATAGG-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:06,596] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45595_AGAAGA-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:06,824] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45596_ATCTAT-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:07,065] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45597_CAGGCG-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:07,308] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45598_CCTTAG-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:07,565] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45599_GAATAA-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:07,801] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45600_GCTCCA-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:08,059] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45601_TCGAAG-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:08,292] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45602_TTCTCC-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:08,532] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45603_AAATGC-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:08,751] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45604_ACAAAC-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:08,993] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45605_AGATAG-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:09,234] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45606_ATGAGC-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:09,477] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45607_CATGGC-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:09,718] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45608_GACGGA-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:09,962] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45609_GGCACA-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:10,193] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45610_TCGGCA-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:10,445] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45611_AGGTTT-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:10,675] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45612_GTGGCC-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:10,909] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45613_ACTTGA-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:11,128] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45614_CGTACG-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:11,425] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45615_ACATCT-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:11,681] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45616_AGCATC-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:11,921] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45617_ATTCCT-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:12,153] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45618_CATTTT-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:12,400] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45619_CGGAAT-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:12,649] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45620_GATATA-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:12,892] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45621_GGCCTG-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:13,142] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45622_TCTACC-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:13,378] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45623_AGTCAA-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:13,618] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45624_GTTTCG-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:13,866] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45625_ATCACG-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:14,099] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45626_GATCAG-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:14,348] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45627_AACCCC-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:14,486] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45628_ACCCAG-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:14,867] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45629_CAAAAG-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:15,107] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45630_CCAACA-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:15,340] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45631_GATGCT-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:15,578] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45632_TAATCG-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:15,825] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45633_TGAATG-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:16,055] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45634_AGTTCC-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:16,279] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45635_TAGCTT-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:16,526] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45636_AACTTG-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:16,795] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45637_ACCGGC-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:17,045] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45638_AGGCCG-GGCTAC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:17,292] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45639_CAACTA-GGCTAC_GSC-NCC2_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:17,528] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45640_CCACGC-GGCTAC_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:17,763] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45641_CTATAC-GGCTAC_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:18,007] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45642_GCAAGG-GGCTAC_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:18,250] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45643_ACTGAT-AAGACT_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:18,475] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45644_ATCCTA-AAGACT_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:18,724] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45645_CACTCA-AAGACT_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:18,953] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45646_CCGCAA-AAGACT_GSC-NCC2_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:19,192] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45647_GAAACC-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:19,449] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45648_TCCCGA-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:19,694] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45649_TTCGAA-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:19,936] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45650_GTCCGC-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:20,190] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45651_GCCAAT-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:20,449] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45652_AATAGG-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:20,710] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45653_AGAAGA-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:20,947] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45654_ATCTAT-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:21,174] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45655_CAGGCG-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:21,409] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45656_CCTTAG-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:21,645] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45657_GAATAA-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:21,969] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45658_GCTCCA-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:22,205] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45659_TCGAAG-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:22,469] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45660_TTCTCC-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:22,734] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45661_CAGATC-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:22,975] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45662_AAATGC-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:23,227] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45663_AGATAG-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:23,508] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45664_ATGAGC-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:23,766] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45665_CATGGC-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:24,008] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45666_CGAGAA-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:24,262] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45667_GACGGA-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:24,520] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45668_GGCACA-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:24,793] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45669_TCGGCA-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:25,054] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45670_AGGTTT-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:25,307] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45671_GTGGCC-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:25,565] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45672_ACTTGA-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:25,823] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45673_CGTACG-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:26,080] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45674_ACATCT-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:26,324] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45675_AGCATC-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:26,590] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45676_ATTCCT-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:26,729] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45677_CGGAAT-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:27,070] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45678_GGCCTG-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:27,308] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45679_GTTTCG-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:27,582] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45680_ATCACG-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:27,813] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45681_GATCAG-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:28,054] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45682_AACCCC-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:28,302] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45683_AGCGCT-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:28,551] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45684_CAAAAG-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:28,777] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45685_CCAACA-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:29,027] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45686_CTAGCT-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:29,274] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45687_GATGCT-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:29,510] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45688_TAATCG-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:29,751] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45689_TGAATG-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:29,986] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45690_AGTTCC-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:30,223] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45691_TAGCTT-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:30,473] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45692_AACTTG-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:30,711] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45693_ACCGGC-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:30,956] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45694_AGGCCG-AAGACT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:31,206] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45695_CAACTA-AAGACT_GSC-NCC2_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:31,430] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45696_CCACGC-AAGACT_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:31,661] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45697_CTATAC-AAGACT_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:31,904] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45698_GCAAGG-AAGACT_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:32,130] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45699_ACTGAT-ACGATA_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:32,358] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45700_ATCCTA-ACGATA_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:32,604] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45701_CACTCA-ACGATA_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:32,835] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45702_CCGCAA-ACGATA_GSC-NCC2_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:33,084] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45703_GAAACC-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:33,316] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45704_TCCCGA-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:33,559] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45705_GTCCGC-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:33,811] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45706_GCCAAT-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:34,070] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45707_AAAGCA-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:34,330] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45708_AATAGG-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:34,583] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45709_AGAAGA-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:34,817] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45710_ATCTAT-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:35,060] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45711_CAGGCG-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:35,293] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45712_CCTTAG-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:35,553] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45713_GCTCCA-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:35,817] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45714_TTCTCC-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:36,062] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45715_GTGAAA-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:36,295] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45716_CAGATC-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:36,538] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45717_AAATGC-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:36,784] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45718_ACAAAC-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:37,043] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45719_AGATAG-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:37,287] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45720_CATGGC-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:37,553] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45721_CGAGAA-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:37,802] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45722_GACGGA-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:38,043] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45723_GGCACA-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:38,280] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45724_TCGGCA-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:38,536] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45725_AGGTTT-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:38,668] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45726_GTGGCC-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:39,061] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45727_CGTACG-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:39,313] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45728_ACATCT-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:39,574] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45729_AGCATC-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:39,812] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45730_ATTCCT-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:40,048] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45731_CATTTT-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:40,287] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45732_CGGAAT-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:40,545] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45733_GATATA-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:40,784] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45734_GGCCTG-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:41,027] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45735_AGTCAA-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:41,272] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45736_GTTTCG-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:41,508] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45737_ATCACG-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:41,746] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45738_GATCAG-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:41,972] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45739_AACCCC-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:42,211] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45740_ACCCAG-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:42,449] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45741_AGCGCT-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:42,677] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45742_CAAAAG-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:42,922] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45743_CCAACA-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:43,160] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45744_CTAGCT-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:43,399] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45745_GATGCT-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:43,621] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45746_TAATCG-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:43,874] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45747_TGAATG-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:44,118] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45748_AGTTCC-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:44,356] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45749_CGATGT-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:44,603] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45750_TAGCTT-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:44,834] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45751_AACTTG-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:45,074] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45752_ACCGGC-ACGATA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:45,313] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45753_CAACTA-ACGATA_GSC-NCC2_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:45,572] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45754_CCACGC-ACGATA_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:45,808] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45755_CTATAC-ACGATA_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:46,069] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45756_GCAAGG-ACGATA_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:46,335] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45757_ACTGAT-TATAAT_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:46,659] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45758_ATCCTA-TATAAT_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:46,911] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45759_CACTCA-TATAAT_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:47,154] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45760_CCGCAA-TATAAT_GSC-NCC2_2_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:47,403] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45761_GAAACC-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:47,636] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45762_GCCTTA-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:47,887] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45763_TCCCGA-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:48,152] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45764_TTCGAA-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:48,388] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45765_GTCCGC-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:48,611] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45766_GCCAAT-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:48,837] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45767_AAAGCA-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:49,074] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45768_AATAGG-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:49,318] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45769_ATCTAT-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:49,560] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45770_CAGGCG-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:49,801] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45771_CCTTAG-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:50,030] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45772_GAATAA-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:50,276] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45773_GCTCCA-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:50,517] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45774_TCGAAG-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:50,742] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45775_TTCTCC-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:50,959] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45776_GTGAAA-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:51,190] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45777_CAGATC-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:51,468] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45778_AAATGC-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:51,723] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45779_ACAAAC-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:51,961] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45780_AGATAG-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:52,200] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45781_ATGAGC-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:52,429] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45782_CATGGC-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:52,668] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45783_CGAGAA-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:52,891] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45784_GACGGA-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:53,137] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45785_GGCACA-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:53,378] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45786_TCGGCA-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:53,622] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45787_AGGTTT-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:53,849] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45788_GTGGCC-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:54,088] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45789_CGTACG-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:54,320] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45790_ACATCT-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:54,569] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45791_AGCATC-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:54,800] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45792_ATTCCT-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:55,029] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45793_CATTTT-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:55,258] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45794_CGGAAT-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:55,491] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45795_GATATA-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:55,716] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45796_GGCCTG-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:55,955] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45797_TCTACC-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:56,194] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45798_AGTCAA-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:56,436] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45799_GTTTCG-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:56,679] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45800_ATCACG-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:56,927] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45801_GATCAG-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:57,161] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45802_AACCCC-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:57,417] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45803_ACCCAG-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:57,652] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45804_AGCGCT-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:57,889] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45805_CAAAAG-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:58,117] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45806_GATGCT-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:58,340] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45807_TAATCG-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:58,593] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45808_TGAATG-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:58,834] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45809_TAGCTT-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:59,064] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45810_AACTTG-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:59,297] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45811_ACCGGC-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:59,545] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45812_AGGCCG-TATAAT_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:18:59,777] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45813_CAACTA-TATAAT_GSC-NCC2_2_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:00,024] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45814_CCACGC-TATAAT_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:00,242] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45815_CTATAC-TATAAT_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:00,501] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45816_GCAAGG-TATAAT_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:00,725] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45817_ACTGAT-TGCTGG_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:00,961] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45818_ATCCTA-TGCTGG_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:01,217] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45819_CACTCA-TGCTGG_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:01,492] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45820_CCGCAA-TGCTGG_GSC-NCC2_2_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:01,732] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45821_GAAACC-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:01,972] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45822_GCCTTA-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:02,211] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45823_TCCCGA-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:02,433] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45824_TTCGAA-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:02,661] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45825_GTCCGC-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:02,890] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45826_GCCAAT-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:03,122] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45827_AAAGCA-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:03,374] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45828_AATAGG-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:03,601] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45829_AGAAGA-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:03,833] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45830_ATCTAT-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:04,081] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45831_CAGGCG-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:04,313] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45832_GCTCCA-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:04,572] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45833_TTCTCC-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:04,808] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45834_CAGATC-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:05,034] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45835_AAATGC-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:05,256] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45836_AGATAG-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:05,508] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45837_ATGAGC-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:05,749] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45838_CATGGC-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:05,983] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45839_GACGGA-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:06,204] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45840_GGCACA-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:06,449] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45841_TCGGCA-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:06,677] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45842_AGGTTT-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:06,914] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45843_GTGGCC-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:07,143] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45844_ACTTGA-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:07,395] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45845_CGTACG-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:07,621] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45846_ACATCT-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:07,846] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45847_AGCATC-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:08,070] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45848_ATTCCT-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:08,303] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45849_CATTTT-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:08,548] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45850_CGGAAT-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:08,792] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45851_GATATA-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:09,024] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45852_GGCCTG-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:09,235] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45853_TCTACC-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:09,479] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45854_AGTCAA-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:09,699] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45855_ATCACG-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:09,948] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45856_GATCAG-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:10,178] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45857_AACCCC-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:10,428] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45858_ACCCAG-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:10,665] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45859_AGCGCT-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:10,902] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45860_CAAAAG-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:11,143] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45861_CCAACA-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:11,396] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45862_CTAGCT-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:11,622] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45863_GATGCT-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:11,852] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45864_TAATCG-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:12,087] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45865_TGAATG-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:12,328] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45866_AGTTCC-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:12,584] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45867_CGATGT-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:12,824] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45868_TAGCTT-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:13,062] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45869_AACTTG-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:13,302] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45870_ACCGGC-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:13,577] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45871_AGGCCG-TGCTGG_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:13,819] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45872_CAACTA-TGCTGG_GSC-NCC2_2_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:14,041] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45873_CCACGC-TGCTGG_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:14,298] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45874_CTATAC-TGCTGG_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:14,556] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45875_GCAAGG-TGCTGG_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:14,766] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45876_ACTGAT-CCGTCC_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:14,971] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45877_ATCCTA-CCGTCC_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:15,217] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45878_CACTCA-CCGTCC_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:15,476] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45879_CCGCAA-CCGTCC_GSC-NCC2_2_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:15,718] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45880_GAAACC-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:15,938] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45881_GCCTTA-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:16,220] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45882_TCCCGA-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:16,450] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45883_TTCGAA-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:16,663] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45884_GTCCGC-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:16,886] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45885_GCCAAT-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:17,104] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45886_AAAGCA-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:17,406] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45887_AATAGG-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:17,410] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45888_AGAAGA-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:17,865] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45889_ATCTAT-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:18,084] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45890_CAGGCG-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:18,315] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45891_CCTTAG-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:18,573] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45892_GAATAA-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:18,810] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45893_GCTCCA-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:19,030] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45894_TCGAAG-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:19,263] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45895_TTCTCC-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:19,532] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45896_GTGAAA-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:19,767] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45897_CAGATC-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:20,002] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45898_AAATGC-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:20,245] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45899_ACAAAC-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:20,490] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45900_AGATAG-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:20,760] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45901_ATGAGC-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:20,995] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45902_CATGGC-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:21,213] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45903_CGAGAA-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:21,451] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45904_GACGGA-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:21,695] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45905_GGCACA-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:21,954] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45906_AGGTTT-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:22,204] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45907_GTGGCC-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:22,460] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45908_ACTTGA-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:22,708] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45909_CGTACG-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:22,948] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45910_ACATCT-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:23,177] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45911_AGCATC-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:23,400] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45912_CATTTT-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:23,637] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45913_CGGAAT-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:23,865] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45914_GGCCTG-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:24,104] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45915_TCTACC-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:24,331] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45916_GTTTCG-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:24,574] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45917_ATCACG-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:24,804] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45918_GATCAG-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:25,041] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45919_AACCCC-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:25,280] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45920_ACCCAG-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:25,515] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45921_AGCGCT-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:25,749] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45922_CCAACA-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:25,984] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45923_CTAGCT-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:26,216] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45924_GATGCT-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:26,482] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45925_TAATCG-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:26,697] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45926_TGAATG-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:26,921] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45927_AGTTCC-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:27,151] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45928_CGATGT-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:27,394] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45929_TAGCTT-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:27,630] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45930_AACTTG-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:27,867] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45931_ACCGGC-CCGTCC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:28,103] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45932_CAACTA-CCGTCC_GSC-NCC2_2_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:28,338] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45933_CCACGC-CCGTCC_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:28,567] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45934_CTATAC-CCGTCC_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:28,802] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45935_GCAAGG-CCGTCC_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:29,033] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45936_ACTGAT-TGACCA_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:29,269] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45937_ATCCTA-TGACCA_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:29,532] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45938_CACTCA-TGACCA_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:29,757] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45939_CCGCAA-TGACCA_GSC-NCC2_2_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:30,050] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45940_GAAACC-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:30,296] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45941_GCCTTA-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:30,549] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45942_TCCCGA-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:30,781] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45943_TTCGAA-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:31,033] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45944_GTCCGC-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:31,276] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45945_AAAGCA-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:31,523] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45946_ATCTAT-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:31,763] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45947_CAGGCG-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:32,002] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45948_CCTTAG-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:32,252] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45949_GCTCCA-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:32,517] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45950_TCGAAG-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:32,741] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45951_TTCTCC-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:32,980] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45952_GTGAAA-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:33,232] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45953_CAGATC-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:33,465] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45954_AAATGC-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:33,701] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45955_ACAAAC-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:33,936] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45956_ATGAGC-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:34,177] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45957_CATGGC-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:34,425] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45958_CGAGAA-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:34,645] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45959_GGCACA-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:34,861] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45960_TCGGCA-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:35,079] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45961_AGGTTT-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:35,298] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45962_GTGGCC-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:35,533] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45963_ACTTGA-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:35,793] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45964_CGTACG-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:36,017] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45965_ACATCT-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:36,244] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45966_ATTCCT-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:36,485] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45967_CATTTT-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:36,716] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45968_TCTACC-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:36,944] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45969_AGTCAA-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:37,172] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45970_GTTTCG-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:37,407] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45971_ATCACG-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:37,636] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45972_GATCAG-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:37,879] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45973_ACCCAG-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:38,118] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45974_AGCGCT-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:38,335] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45975_CAAAAG-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:38,567] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45976_CTAGCT-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:38,805] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45977_GATGCT-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:39,039] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45978_TAATCG-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:39,266] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45979_TGAATG-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:39,507] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45980_AGTTCC-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:39,744] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45981_CGATGT-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:39,979] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45982_TAGCTT-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:40,198] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45983_AACTTG-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:40,448] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45984_AGGCCG-TGACCA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:40,664] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45985_CAACTA-TGACCA_GSC-NCC2_2_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:40,887] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45986_CCACGC-TGACCA_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:41,100] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45987_CTATAC-TGACCA_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:41,345] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45988_GCAAGG-TGACCA_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:41,545] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45989_ACTGAT-CTTGTA_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:41,760] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45990_ATCCTA-CTTGTA_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:42,000] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45991_CACTCA-CTTGTA_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:42,222] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45992_CCGCAA-CTTGTA_GSC-NCC2_2_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:42,446] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45993_GAAACC-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:42,670] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45994_GCCTTA-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:42,879] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45995_TTCGAA-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:43,095] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45996_GTCCGC-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:43,295] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45997_AATAGG-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:43,524] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45998_AGAAGA-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:43,760] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B45999_ATCTAT-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:44,007] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46000_CAGGCG-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:44,240] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46001_CCTTAG-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:44,479] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46002_GAATAA-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:44,721] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46003_GCTCCA-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:44,975] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46004_TCGAAG-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:45,219] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46005_TTCTCC-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:45,461] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46006_GTGAAA-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:45,704] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46007_CAGATC-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:45,940] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46008_AAATGC-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:46,174] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46009_ATGAGC-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:46,417] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46010_CGAGAA-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:46,673] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46011_GACGGA-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:46,932] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46012_GGCACA-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:47,181] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46013_AGGTTT-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:47,453] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46014_GTGGCC-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:47,711] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46015_ACTTGA-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:47,951] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46016_CGTACG-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:48,197] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46017_AGCATC-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:48,461] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46018_ATTCCT-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:48,708] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46019_CATTTT-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:48,946] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46020_CGGAAT-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:49,189] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46021_GATATA-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:49,457] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46022_GGCCTG-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:49,701] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46023_AGTCAA-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:49,938] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46024_GTTTCG-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:50,176] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46025_ATCACG-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:50,431] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46026_GATCAG-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:50,686] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46027_AACCCC-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:50,981] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46028_ACCCAG-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:51,259] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46029_AGCGCT-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:51,530] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46030_CAAAAG-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:51,780] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46031_CCAACA-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:52,052] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46032_CTAGCT-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:52,303] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46033_GATGCT-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:52,593] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46034_TAATCG-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:52,853] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46035_TGAATG-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:53,100] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46036_AGTTCC-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:53,346] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46037_CGATGT-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:53,605] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46038_TAGCTT-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:53,856] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46039_AACTTG-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:54,108] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46040_ACCGGC-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:54,367] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46041_AGGCCG-CTTGTA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:54,610] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46042_CAACTA-CTTGTA_GSC-NCC2_2_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:54,835] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46043_CCACGC-CTTGTA_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:55,058] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46044_CTATAC-CTTGTA_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:55,303] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46045_GCAAGG-CTTGTA_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:55,536] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46046_ACTGAT-AAGCGA_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:55,751] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46047_ATCCTA-AAGCGA_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:55,974] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46048_CACTCA-AAGCGA_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:56,223] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46049_CCGCAA-AAGCGA_GSC-NCC2_2_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:56,486] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46050_GAAACC-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:56,724] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46051_GCCTTA-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:56,964] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46052_TCCCGA-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:57,200] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46053_GTCCGC-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:57,464] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46054_GCCAAT-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:57,698] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46055_AAAGCA-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:57,931] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46056_AATAGG-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:58,165] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46057_AGAAGA-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:58,423] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46058_ATCTAT-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:58,667] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46059_CAGGCG-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:58,901] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46060_CCTTAG-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:59,140] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46061_GAATAA-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:59,377] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46062_GCTCCA-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:59,613] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46063_TCGAAG-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:19:59,846] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46064_TTCTCC-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:00,092] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46065_GTGAAA-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:00,334] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46066_CAGATC-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:00,587] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46067_AAATGC-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:00,859] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46068_ACAAAC-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:01,115] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46069_AGATAG-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:01,382] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46070_ATGAGC-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:01,620] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46071_CATGGC-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:01,873] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46072_CGAGAA-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:02,124] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46073_GACGGA-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:02,376] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46074_GGCACA-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:02,737] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46075_TCGGCA-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:02,988] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46076_AGGTTT-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:03,243] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46077_GTGGCC-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:03,511] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46078_ACTTGA-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:03,761] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46079_CGTACG-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:04,005] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46080_ACATCT-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:04,236] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46081_AGCATC-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:04,471] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46082_ATTCCT-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:04,704] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46083_CATTTT-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:04,933] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46084_CGGAAT-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:05,165] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46085_GATATA-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:05,421] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46086_GGCCTG-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:05,660] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46087_TCTACC-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:05,905] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46088_AGTCAA-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:06,136] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46089_GTTTCG-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:06,358] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46090_ATCACG-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:06,611] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46091_GATCAG-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:06,850] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46092_AACCCC-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:07,083] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46093_ACCCAG-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:07,316] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46094_AGCGCT-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:07,567] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46095_CAAAAG-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:07,803] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46096_CCAACA-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:08,045] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46097_CTAGCT-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:08,266] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46098_GATGCT-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:08,519] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46099_TAATCG-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:08,772] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46100_TGAATG-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:08,999] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46101_AGTTCC-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:09,241] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46102_CGATGT-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:09,468] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46103_TAGCTT-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:09,700] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46104_AACTTG-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:09,940] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46105_ACCGGC-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:10,181] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46106_AGGCCG-AAGCGA_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:10,446] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46107_CAACTA-AAGCGA_GSC-NCC2_2_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:10,674] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46108_CCACGC-AAGCGA_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:10,899] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46109_CTATAC-AAGCGA_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:11,137] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46110_GCAAGG-AAGCGA_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:11,358] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46111_ACTGAT-ACTCTC_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:11,583] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46112_ATCCTA-ACTCTC_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:11,825] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46113_CACTCA-ACTCTC_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:12,071] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46114_CCGCAA-ACTCTC_GSC-NCC2_2_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:12,307] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46115_GAAACC-ACTCTC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:12,539] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46116_TCCCGA-ACTCTC_DeadCell_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:12,785] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46117_CAACTA-ACTCTC_GSC-NCC2_2_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:13,016] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46118_CCACGC-ACTCTC_GSC-NTC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:13,249] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46119_CTATAC-ACTCTC_GSC-gDNA_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:13,514] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: B46120_GCAAGG-ACTCTC_GSC-CSC_Nuclei_2_2.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:15,462] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-A3.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:15,472] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-A4.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:15,474] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-B3.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:15,477] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-B4.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:15,479] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-C3.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:15,481] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-C4.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:15,484] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-D3.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:15,485] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-D4.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:15,487] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-E3.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:15,489] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-E4.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:15,491] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-F3.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:15,493] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-F4.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:15,495] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-G3.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:15,497] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-G4.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:15,499] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-H3.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:15,501] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-H4.bam [2019-08-29 10:20:15,502] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-A3.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:20:15,503] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-A4.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:20:15,504] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-B3.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:20:15,505] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-B4.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:20:15,506] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-C3.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:20:15,507] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-C4.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:20:15,508] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-D3.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:20:15,509] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-D4.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:20:15,510] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-E3.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:20:15,511] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-E4.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:20:15,512] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-F3.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:20:15,513] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-F4.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:20:15,514] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-G3.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:20:15,515] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-G4.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:20:15,516] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-H3.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:20:15,517] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-H4.bam.bai [2019-08-29 10:20:22,948] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-A4.bam.pdf [2019-08-29 10:20:23,195] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-A3.bam.pdf [2019-08-29 10:20:25,037] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-B3.bam.pdf [2019-08-29 10:20:25,294] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-B4.bam.pdf [2019-08-29 10:20:27,212] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-C3.bam.pdf [2019-08-29 10:20:27,465] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-C4.bam.pdf [2019-08-29 10:20:29,612] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-D3.bam.pdf [2019-08-29 10:20:29,856] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-D4.bam.pdf [2019-08-29 10:20:31,777] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-E4.bam.pdf [2019-08-29 10:20:32,029] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-E3.bam.pdf [2019-08-29 10:20:33,905] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-F3.bam.pdf [2019-08-29 10:20:34,147] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-F4.bam.pdf [2019-08-29 10:20:36,257] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-G3.bam.pdf [2019-08-29 10:20:36,537] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-G4.bam.pdf [2019-08-29 10:20:38,971] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-H4.bam.pdf [2019-08-29 10:20:39,208] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-H3.bam.pdf [2019-08-29 10:20:39,241] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: qualimapReport.html [2019-08-29 10:20:42,616] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: qualimapReport.html [2019-08-29 10:20:45,877] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: qualimapReport.html [2019-08-29 10:20:49,243] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: qualimapReport.html [2019-08-29 10:20:52,481] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: qualimapReport.html [2019-08-29 10:20:55,609] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: qualimapReport.html [2019-08-29 10:20:58,863] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: qualimapReport.html [2019-08-29 10:21:02,195] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: qualimapReport.html [2019-08-29 10:21:05,945] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: qualimapReport.html [2019-08-29 10:21:09,170] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: qualimapReport.html [2019-08-29 10:21:12,491] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: qualimapReport.html [2019-08-29 10:21:15,800] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: qualimapReport.html [2019-08-29 10:21:19,090] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: qualimapReport.html [2019-08-29 10:21:22,401] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: qualimapReport.html [2019-08-29 10:21:25,638] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: qualimapReport.html [2019-08-29 10:21:28,893] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: qualimapReport.html [2019-08-29 10:21:32,278] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-A3.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:21:32,288] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-A4.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:21:32,291] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-B3.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:21:32,293] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-B4.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:21:32,296] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-C3.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:21:32,298] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-C4.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:21:32,301] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-D3.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:21:32,304] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-E3.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:21:32,306] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-E4.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:21:32,308] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-D4.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:21:32,311] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-F3.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:21:32,313] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-F4.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:21:32,317] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-G3.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:21:32,319] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-G4.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:21:32,322] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-H3.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:21:32,324] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: SI-GA-H4.bam.fq1_screen.html [2019-08-29 10:21:32,329] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACACGTTCCTCAGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,330] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACCGCGAGGCTAGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,331] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTCAGAGCACAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,333] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTCCCAGCGTGTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,334] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTCCCGTGGAGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,335] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGACCTCAGGGAAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,336] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGGAGCGTAGATGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,337] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGGTTCCATTACTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,338] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AATCCAGTCGGGTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,339] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCAAGTCGTGAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,341] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCAATCACGCGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,342] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCCTCAGTGAAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,343] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACAGCTAGTTTACTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,344] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACATCAGAGAACTTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,346] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACATGGTAGGCAGGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,347] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACATGGTGTGACCAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,348] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACATGGTGTTTACTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,350] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCAGTAAGCTAAGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,351] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCAGTAGTACCATCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,353] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCAGTATCTACACCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,354] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCCACTAGCTCAACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,355] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGCAGCAGTGAACGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,356] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGCAGCGTCAAGCCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,357] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGCCGAGTCTCGTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,358] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTTGTTGTACCATCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,359] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAATAGCAGTGAATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,360] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAGCTTGTGTAACCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,362] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCATACCAGAAAGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,363] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCCTAATCGGTGCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,364] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCGGTCCAGGGACTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,366] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCTTGAAGCGTCTAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,367] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGGTGAGTAGAATAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,368] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGTCATGTCCGAAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,369] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGTCCGAGCAGCGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,370] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGTCCGTCACGCGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,371] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCACGACATGACCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,372] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCCACCCAAGTCGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,373] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCCGAATCCGCCTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,374] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGAGGGAGGACCACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,375] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTACTCAGCTAGTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,376] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTATCCCAAGCATGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,377] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTATCCCACGAAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,378] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTATCCTCAGATGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,379] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTGGACTCAGCGCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,380] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTGGACTCCTGCACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,381] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTGGTGAGAAGGTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,382] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTTCTGTCCCACAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,383] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAACCAAGTCCATTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,384] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAACCAATCGTTGCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,385] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAACTAGCACTTGAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,386] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGAAAAGCTACCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,387] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACACCTGTAACTGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,388] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACAGTACACTCACCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,389] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACATTTGTGACCCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,390] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGAATCAGACAGAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,391] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGAGAGTCGAGCCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,392] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGATCAGTAACGACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,393] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCCGAGTACTTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,394] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGGTGCTCAGTGAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,395] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGTAACGTCTGATAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,396] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGTAACTCCCTAAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,397] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCGGGGTAATCAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,398] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATGACACAGTCGGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,399] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATGCCTAGGCTATCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,400] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATGCCTTCTGCCGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,401] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATTATCAGCGATTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,402] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATTCGCGTCCGGTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,403] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCAATCCAGACAGGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,404] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCACTACTCGTTCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,405] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCCAATCGTAAGAGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,406] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCCTCCTAGCACACAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,407] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGGGATGTTAGTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,408] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGTTCATCTTAGCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,409] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTCAGTTCAGCGGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,410] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTACGCACGCCTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,412] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTCCCGTCGATACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,413] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTTCTTCCTCTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,414] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGATGGCCAACTCCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,415] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGATGTAGTCTAGGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,416] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCGTTTAGGATATAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,417] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCGTTTCATGCAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,418] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCGTTTGTACCGTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,419] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGACGTGTGTCTGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,420] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGAGTCTCCAGGCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,421] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTAGGCCACCCGTTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,422] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCACTCAAGCATGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,423] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCACTCATTCAGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,424] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCTACAGGACAGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,425] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTGAGCGTTGGGCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,426] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTGTAATCTAACACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,427] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTGTCTAGTGTACCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,428] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTAGACAGAGACGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,429] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTCTGCAACACCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,430] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTCTGTCAGGTTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,431] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACATTAGGTAGCCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,432] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACATTAGTCGAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,433] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACATTTCTGGGATT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,434] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACCCATCATGCGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,435] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACCCATCTAGAACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,436] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACGTCTCACCGCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,437] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAGAGTGTACTCGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,438] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAGAGTTCCACCTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,439] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAGTGAAGCTAGTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,440] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCAGAACACTGCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,441] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCCTAGCATACTTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,442] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGGAGCAATCCATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,443] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCTAATTCCTACTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,444] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGCGGATCTCGTGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,445] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGGTCTCAGAGCTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,446] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGTTTACAAACCCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,447] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTAACTAGTAGCGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,448] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTACCGGTACAACGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,449] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTCTCTTCTGTCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,450] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTGGCTGTTGTAGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,451] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTTGCGCACAGCCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,452] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAAACTCAGCACAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,453] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAAGCAGCACAGCCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,454] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACAGAGTCACCACGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,455] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGCGTAGCTGCCCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,456] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCGATGTGTCCCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,457] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCGCGAGTTTGGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,458] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATGAAACACTCTTAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,459] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATGCTACACAATGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,460] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCACATACATATCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,461] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAGCCATCCACCGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,462] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCCAAATGTTCTTCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,463] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCAACGTGCATTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,464] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCAACGTGTGTTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,465] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTCCTATCAATAGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,466] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTGCGACACGGAATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,467] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTTCCACACTAAGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,468] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTTGAAGTGGAGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,469] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAGCAAAGGATCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,470] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCCGATGTCTTACCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,471] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGACCTCAACCGCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,472] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGAGATTCGCGATGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,473] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGAGATTCGTTGCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,474] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGATGAAGTGATTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,476] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGCACTGTCGCGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,477] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGCATCAGATCCGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,478] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGCATCCACCCAAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,479] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGTCTGAGGATGTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,480] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGTATTGCAGCCAAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,481] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGTGAAGGTAGGGACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,482] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTACGTAGTACTGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,483] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTATCTTAGCGTCAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,484] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTATTCTAGGAGTTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,485] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCTCGTAGTACGACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,486] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCATAAGTGTGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,487] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGTTAGCATTACAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,488] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTCATTGTGCTCTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,490] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTCGGGTCTCGTGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,490] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAAACCGGTGGCGTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,492] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACACGACATAGTGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,493] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTCGCAGCCACCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,494] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGAGCTTCCTCTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,495] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGCCGGTCGGAAGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,496] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGTTGGGTGTGACAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,497] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATCAGGCATTCAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,498] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGCTCAGATCACTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,499] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTTGGTTGAGCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,500] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCCACACCAGTGTAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,501] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGAGGCGTCCAAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,502] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGAGGCGTTTGGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,503] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGGTAAAGTGTCCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,504] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGTAGAGTTGAACAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,505] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGAGGAGGTATCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,506] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGATTTCAGCAGTAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,507] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGATTTCCAACTGGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,508] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGATTTCGTAATATGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,509] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCACCTCACCTGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,510] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCAAAGTTAACCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,511] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCCATCAGTGGATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,512] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCCATGTACGTTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,513] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCCATTCGCGGACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,514] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCCTACAGTAGGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,515] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCGCAGTCTATGGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,516] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCGTGGTCCAGTCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,517] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGACGCAGGGTAACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,518] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGCCAGTCGTAAGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,519] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGCTGGCAACGGCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,520] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGGAAGTCTAAGGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,521] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTGTTTAGTGCTGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,522] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTTCCGGTGATATGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,523] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTTCCGTCTGGAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,524] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAGGACCATGCGTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,525] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAGTTCCACTCATGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,526] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTATGCTCATTCCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,527] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGAACGCATTCCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,528] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGACTTGTAACCGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,529] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGCCGTAGTTAACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,530] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGCGTCCAGGTCTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,531] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGGCAACAGGGCTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,532] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTACTGTCGTTGCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:21:32,533] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTGGTTCAGCACACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,630] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAACGGGCATCCACGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,632] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAAGATGGTGACCCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,633] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAAGCAACAAGAATCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,634] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAAGCAATCCAACAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,635] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAAGTAGTCAAGTTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,636] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAAGTAGTCTATTGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,636] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAATGCCCAGAGACGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,637] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTCAGCAGTCCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,638] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTCAGCATCTCACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,640] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTCCCGTAAGGTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,640] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTCTTAGACTCGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,641] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTCTTCAGTGCTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,642] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTCTTTCCACCCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,643] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTTTCCACAGAAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,644] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTTTCTCGGAGAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,645] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGACCTCACAATCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,646] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGACCTCATCCAGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,648] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGACCTGTTCAAGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,648] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGACCTTCCGACCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,649] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGCCGCTCCGATACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,651] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGCCGCTCTAATGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,652] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGGCAGTCCTGATTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,653] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGGCAGTCGGCACCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,654] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGTCTGAGAAGGTTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,655] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGTCTGCAATTGAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,656] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AATCGGTAGCTAGCCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,657] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AATCGGTGTGCATCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,659] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCAACACGGAATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,660] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCCTAGCCAGGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,661] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCCTTCCCTTATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,662] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCCTTCGACAACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,663] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCCTTCTTCTAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,664] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACAGCCGAGCTACCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,665] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCCACTGTGCAGGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,666] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGAGCCCATAGGTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,667] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGATACTCAGTTCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,668] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGATGTCAGGAGCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,669] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGCCAGCATTGAAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,670] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGAGAAGTATGACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,671] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGCCAGTGAGTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,672] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGGCTAGCCGTCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,673] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGGCTCACAGACCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,674] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTATCTAGCGCGATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,675] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTATCTCACAAGCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,676] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGAACAGTGGTAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,677] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGAACCAGCTTGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,678] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGAACCATCGGGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,679] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGCTCTCCCATGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,680] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTTACTGTACCTTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,681] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTTTCAAGACAGGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,682] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTTTCATCCGTCTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,683] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTTTCATCGAGGTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,684] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAATAGAGCCCAGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,685] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAATAGGTACAAGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,686] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGACGTTCAGTCCGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,687] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGACGTTTCTGATCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,689] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAGCGACAACTCGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,690] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAGTGGAGTGAACGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,691] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGATCTGGTCAACCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,692] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGATCTGGTCCGGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,693] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCAGCCAGCAGTCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,694] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCCTAAAGGGTTTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,695] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCGGTCAGCTAAGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,696] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCGTATTCCAAGGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,697] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCTCCTAGGAGTCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,698] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGCCGTGTTCAGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,699] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGGAGTGTCGAGTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,700] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGGAGTGTCTCTTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,701] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGGTGAAGAAACCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,702] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGTCATCATAGAGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,703] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGTCCGAGTCCCGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,704] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGTCCGTCTAACGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,705] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTCTTTAGCGTCTAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,706] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTCTTTCAATTAAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,707] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTCTTTTCCGTCTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,708] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTGAGGAGAAGATTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,709] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTGAGGAGTATGACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,711] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTGTCAAGCTAACAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,712] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATAACGCAGTTAACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,713] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCACGATCTCTTCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,714] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCGAGTCACAGAGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,715] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCTACTTCATGGGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,716] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCTGCCCACTTGCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,717] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCTGCCGTTAGTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,718] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGAGGGTCTTGGATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,719] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGCGATGTTAGTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,720] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGGGAGAGTGGGTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,721] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGGGAGTCTCGAACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,722] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGTGTGAGTGATGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,724] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGTGTGTCTACCGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,725] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTATCCCAATCCGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,726] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTGGTGTCTGAAGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,727] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTTCTGAGGTAGCCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,728] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTTCTGGTGTAAAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,729] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAACCAAAGTCGTCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,730] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAACCAATCCACTTAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,731] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAACCAATCTATGCCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,732] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAACCTCAGTTAGGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,733] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAACCTCCATCGTCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,734] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAACTAGGTACCTTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,735] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGAAAAGGCTCAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,736] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGAAACACCAATGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,737] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGAAAGTAAGGTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,738] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGGCCGTCTCGGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,739] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGTTGCACGATAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,740] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACAAACTCAGTACCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,741] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACATTTCACATTGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,742] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACCTTGAGCCGAACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,743] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACCTTGAGTTAGGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,744] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACTCCAGTGGAAACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,745] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGATCAGTATGCACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,746] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCAGCGTAACTGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,747] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCTAACAAACTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,748] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCTGGCATGTATGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,749] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCTGGTCCTCTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,750] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGTAACCAAGTTGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,751] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGTAACCACCTATGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,752] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGTAACGTACTCACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,753] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGTCCTAGCACCGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,754] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATATGGAGATTACCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,754] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATATGGCAACAACTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,756] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATATGGCATCATGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,757] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATGCCTCACCTATGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,758] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATGGCGGTTCAAGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,758] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCAATCCAGTAGATGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,759] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCAATCCCATTGCCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,760] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCAGCGAAGCAGAGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,761] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCAGCGATCACGAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,762] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCATGTCTCGTTGCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,763] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCCAGTTCAAAGCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,764] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCCAGTTGTGTGAAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,765] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCCATACCAACGACAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,766] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCCTCCTAGTTGTAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,766] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCCTCCTTCGACAATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,767] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGTTCACAACTCATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,768] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGTTCAGTATGCACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,769] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGTTCAGTTCTCTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,770] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTACACGTACTCGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,771] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTACACTCCTGAAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,772] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTACCAAGGCACATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,773] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTAGCTAGAAGATTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,774] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTCAGTAGCCCAGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,775] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTCAGTTCTACATGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,776] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTCTGAGTTAAACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,776] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTCCCGTCGGCATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,777] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTTCTAGGCTGCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,778] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAACATGTGGCCTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,779] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGACCTTGTATCTCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,780] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGACCTTTCATTGTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,781] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGACTTCAGCAGTACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,781] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAGCCAGTCGCTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,782] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAGCCATCTACGGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,783] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCCAAGAGCGCCTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,784] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCCAAGCAGTTGCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,785] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCGGTACAGTACCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,786] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCGGTAGTAGTCAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,787] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCGTTTAGCGTAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,788] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCTATCCACTTTCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,789] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCTTCACAAGTCGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,790] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCTTCAGTACGCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,791] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGACACAGAAGATTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,792] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGAGTCGTAGTTGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,793] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGCTAGTCGAGAATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,794] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGGTCACATACGGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,795] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGGTCATCTGGATCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,796] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTAGCGTCTTCTAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,797] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTAGGCTCAGGGACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,798] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCCATAGTTTCCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,798] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCTACAGATGCGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,799] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTGAGCCAGTGTGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,800] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTGAGCTCGTAGGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,801] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTGTAAAGCGTAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,802] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTGTAACAACATAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,802] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTGTAAGTAACTAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,803] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTAGATCCTACTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,804] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTCTGCAGAACCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,805] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAAGACAGTCCCGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,806] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAAGACCAGAGCTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,807] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACATTGTTAAGATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,808] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAGCCTAGGTGTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,809] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAGCCTGTGGTACAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,810] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAGTGACAAGAGAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,811] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCACACAGAACTCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,812] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCACACCATCACTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,813] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCATTAGTAGATCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,814] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCCTAGCAAGTGACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,815] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGGAGCAACGTCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,816] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGGAGCATAGTGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,817] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCTAATGTTCGTAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,818] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGAAGTTCTAATGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,819] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGATAGAGTACGTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,820] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGCCTAAGGCCCACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,821] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGCCTAAGGCTAGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,821] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGCGGATCGTTCGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,822] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGGTCTGTAAGATGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,823] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGGTCTTCGTTGCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,824] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTAACTTCCTAGACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,825] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTACCGTCGTATCCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,826] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTCTCTGTTAACCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,827] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTCTCTTCAGTTCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,828] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTGGCTAGTGACTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,829] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTGGCTCATTGCATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,830] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTGGCTGTGTTTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,831] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTTGCGTCATCGACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,832] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAACATCCACAGCCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,833] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAACCTACAGCCCATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,834] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAACGGAAGACCTTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,835] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAAGCAGGTAGGTTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,836] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAATGAATCAAGAAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,837] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACCAATCAATCCGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,837] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACCAATGTAGCGTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,838] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGCGTGTGCACACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,839] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGTGCTCTCATCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,840] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACTAACCAGACACAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,841] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACTACATCTCGGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,842] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAGCAGAAGGTGTAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,843] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAGGTGATCCGAGTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,844] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAGTCCGTCGTAAGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,845] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCAGTCATACGTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,846] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCGATAGTTGTCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,847] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCGATTCCAGGAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,848] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCGTAGTTAGTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,850] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCGTATCCTTGAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,851] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATGAAACAAGACGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,851] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATGAAACAGAATTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,852] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATGAGGCAGTTGCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,853] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATTCAGGTAGGTCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,854] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAAACTCATCCAGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,855] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAAACTGTCGCTTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,856] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAATCAAGGTGACCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,857] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAATCACATCTCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,858] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAATCATCTGGCAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,859] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAGCCAGTCCTCGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,860] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATGATCAGTAGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,861] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGACCAGTAGAATAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,862] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCCAACAGGTTAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,863] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCCAATCGACCATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,864] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCGATCAGATCGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,865] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTCCTAGTTAGAATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,865] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTCCTATCACGAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,866] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTGGGTCAAGGGATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,867] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAACTTAGCGTCAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,868] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACAAGTCTGGTCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,869] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACAGATCGTTCAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,870] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACATTGTCTGCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,871] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACGTCAGTCGAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,872] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACGTCGTGACACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,873] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACGTCGTTGAACTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,874] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGATTACCATAGTGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,875] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGATTACTCGGGTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,876] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCAATTCATTGAAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,877] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCCGATAGACAGACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,878] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCCGATAGGTGCTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,879] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCCGATGTGCACACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,880] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCGTGTCAAAGTAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,881] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCGTGTGTTATTGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,882] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCGTGTTCTGGAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,884] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCTCGAGTCGCGAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,885] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCTGGTAGCGCCTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,886] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCTGGTCACATCTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,887] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCTGGTGTGGCGTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,888] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGAATGCACGTACAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,889] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGAATGCAGACTTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,890] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGATGAAGAACTCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,892] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGTCTGAGTAGGCCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,893] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGTTGCTCCCGCATT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,894] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGTGCGTGTTCGTCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,895] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGTGTTATCCGCACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,896] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTAACGTGTGGTTCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,897] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTACGTAAGTGATTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,898] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTACGTATCTCGGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,899] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTACTCCTCGAGAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,901] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTACTTTAGGGTGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,902] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTACTTTGTGGTAACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,903] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTAGGCCAGCAGGTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,904] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTAGGCCAGGAGCGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,905] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTAGGCCGTGACCCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,906] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTAGGCCTCATTTGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,907] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTAGTCATCACCATCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,908] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTATCTTCACGCCTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,909] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACAAGTCCGAAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,910] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACGGAGGATATAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,911] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACGGAGTAGCGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,912] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACGGCAACCGGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,913] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCGGGTTCTCATGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,914] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCTTCGTCCACTTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,915] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGAAGGGTGGGAAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,916] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGAAGGTCCTGCACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,917] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCATACAAACGAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,918] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCGGTGTCACCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,919] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCTTCCAGATCGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,920] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGGGTCAGCGTCTAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,921] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGGGTCTCAATAGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,922] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGGGTCTCGACAACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,923] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGTGCGGTCGCGTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,924] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTAAGCCACATCTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,925] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTAAGCGTTCCATGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,926] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTCATTCACTCCCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,927] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTCATTGTTGGTATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,928] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTCTCGTCGACCCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,929] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTTCTAGTACTAGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,930] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAAACCGGTTCAAGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,931] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAAGCGTGTGACCAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,932] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAAGTGCCAACAGAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,933] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACACGACAAGCTACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,934] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACCTATGTGATTGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,935] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACCTTAAGGGTTTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,936] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACCTTACAAATCGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,937] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACCTTAGTTCCCACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,938] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGATGTGCTATTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,939] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGGCAGAGATGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,940] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTCATAGCTGAAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,940] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTCGCAGTAGCGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,941] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTTACCAGTAGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,942] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTTACGTAACTGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,943] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTTACTCAGAGTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,944] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTTACTCGTATTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,945] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTTGTCAGCCCATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,946] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGCCGGCACCTATGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,947] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGCCGGCATATCGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,948] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGGCATAGGACAGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,949] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGTTGGGTGAACACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,950] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATCTCAAGAAGGTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,951] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATCTCACACCACATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,953] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATGCCCAGAAGGGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,953] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATGCCCCAGAAGACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,954] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATGCCCTCAGATTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,955] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAATCTCAACATAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,956] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCACGAACATACAGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,957] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCACGAACATACGGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,958] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGCAAGTGTCGCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,959] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGGTACACGAGCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,960] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTACAGGGTAACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,961] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTTGAGTCGTACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,962] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTTGTCATCAGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,963] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCCCGATCATTTAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,964] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCCCGATGTCAACATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,965] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGAGGCAGGAGTACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,966] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGAGGCCACGACGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,967] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGCGAGCAACCGCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,968] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGCGAGCACCTTGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,969] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGCGTTAGATGCGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,970] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGCGTTCATGATGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,971] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGGGACCAATCCGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,972] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGGTAAGTACGGTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,973] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGTAGATCTTGGCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,974] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTATTGCAAGGTCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,975] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTGAGAAGAGAGCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,976] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTTCGGGTTCAGTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,977] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGACGGCTCATGTGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,978] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGACTAGAGCACAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,979] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGACTTTCATCATGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,980] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGAGGAGGAGTAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,981] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGCATGTCGGATGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,982] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGGGAGTGCATCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,983] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGATTTCCAATTGAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,985] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGATTTCCAGATACCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,986] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCACCTGTTGCTGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,987] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCCATGTTGTAGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,988] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCCATTCTGGGCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,989] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCCTAAGGCCCTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,990] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCCTATCCGCGAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,991] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCGCAGAGACAGACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,992] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCTGCTAGGGATTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,993] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGACGCGTACCAGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,994] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGCTGGTCAAGCCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,995] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGGAAGTCTCATGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,996] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGGCGTTCCTAGACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,997] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGTTAGTCTGATCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,998] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTCCCATCCTCGACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:21,999] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTGGTAAGCGGATCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:22,000] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTGGTACACCTTGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:22,001] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTGTTTTCGTATTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:22,002] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTTCCGTCAGCGCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:22,003] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAACTCGTCAAACTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:22,004] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAGTTCGTTCGATAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:22,005] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCCCAGGTATCGCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:22,006] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTCAAGTCTTGCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:22,007] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTCCTCAGCGCATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:22,008] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTCCTTCAGGTACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:22,009] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGACTTAGTCGTACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:22,010] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGACTTGTACCTCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:22,011] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGGAACGTACAACGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:22,012] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGTAGGAGCCCGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:22,013] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGTAGGTCCTATGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:22,014] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTCCTCGTACGTAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:22,015] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTGCGCAGGAGCGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:22,016] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTGCGCTCTGGTGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:22,017] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTGGTTTCCGCCTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:22:22,018] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTGTCATCAATAGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,162] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAACCTGAGGGCTTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,163] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAACCTGTCATGCGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,164] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAACGGGCAATACTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,165] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAACGGGGTTAACCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,166] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAACGGGTCAAAGTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,167] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAAGATGAGGGATGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,168] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAAGATGCATGAGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,169] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAAGATGTCGATACAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,170] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAAGCAAAGGTAAACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,171] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAAGCAAAGTCCGTAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,172] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAAGCAAAGTCGTACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,173] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAAGCAATCCGCTGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,174] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAAGTAGAGTCCCACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,175] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAAGTAGAGTGAATTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,176] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAAGTAGTCGCCAACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,177] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAATGCCAGCTTTGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,178] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAATGCCCAGCGATGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,179] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAATGCCGTAACGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,180] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAATGCCGTGCTTAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,181] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACACGTAGACAGTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,182] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACCATGCACGAGCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,183] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACCATGGTACCGTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,184] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACCGCGCAGAAGACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,185] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACCGCGCAGTGTAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,187] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACCGCGGTTCTGTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,188] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACCGCGGTTGGTGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,189] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACGTTGAGACGCTTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,190] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACGTTGAGCATGAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,191] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACGTTGAGTACGTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,192] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACGTTGCATCCCAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,193] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACGTTGTCAAGTGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,194] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTCAGCAACTCGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,195] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTCAGTCCGAAGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,196] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTCCCAGGGTTTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,197] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTCCCCAAGCTACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,198] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTCCCTCTCTCTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,199] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTCTTAGCAGACTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,200] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTCTTAGGCCATAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,201] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTCTTCACGAGTTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,202] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTCTTCAGGTGTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,203] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTCTTGTGATTGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,204] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTGGTAGCTTCAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,204] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTGGTAGGCACATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,205] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTGGTAGGCATTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,206] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTGGTGTAACGTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,207] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTGGTGTACCACTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,208] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTGGTGTTGAAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,209] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTGGTTCCAGGTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,210] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTTTCAGCAGCGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,211] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTTTCAGGATGCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,212] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTTTCGTGTCTCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,213] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTTTCGTTCAAGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,214] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTTTCTCATCACTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,215] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTTTCTCCGCGACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,216] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTTTCTCGAGTTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,217] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTTTCTCGGGCTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,218] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGACCTTCCTCGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,219] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGCCGCAGTTTCTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,220] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGCCGCCAAGAGAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,222] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGCCGCGTTTACGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,223] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGCCGCTCTGGTGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,223] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGGAGCAGTACGCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,224] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGGAGCAGTCCGGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,225] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGGAGCGTACATGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,226] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGGAGCGTCAAAGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,227] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGGAGCTCATTGGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,228] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGGCAGAGCCCAATT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,229] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGGCAGAGGCAACAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,230] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGGCAGCAAGCATGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,231] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGGCAGTCGGGCTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,231] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGTCTGAGCGATTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,232] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGTCTGAGTTGTAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,233] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGTCTGCACTATGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,234] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGTCTGGTAACGACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,235] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGTCTGTCCTGCGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,236] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AATCCAGCAACATCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,237] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AATCCAGCAGCGCATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,238] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AATCCAGCATGAGGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,239] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AATCCAGTCTTGCGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,240] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AATCCAGTCTTTCGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,241] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AATCGGTCACATAAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,242] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AATCGGTTCTAACGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,242] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCAAAGACTAAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,243] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCAAAGCCAGTTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,244] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCAAAGGATGCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,245] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCAAAGTGATCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,246] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCAACAATTAAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,247] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCAACACCGAACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,248] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCAACACCGTCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,249] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCAATCATTTCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,251] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCAATCTATTGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,251] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCCTAGCGATGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,252] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCCTCATCTAAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,253] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCGGGTCAAAGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,254] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCGGGTCTACATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,255] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCGGGTGGACGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,256] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCGGTCCGAGTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,257] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCGGTCGTTATTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,258] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACTGAAGGACAGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,259] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACAGCCGCACGATCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,260] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACAGCCGGTTAAAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,261] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACAGCCGGTTAGTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,262] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACAGCCGTCCACTCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,263] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACAGCCGTCTGCTGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,264] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACAGCTAAGATGTAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,265] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACAGCTAGTCAGTGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,266] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACAGCTAGTGACCAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,267] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACAGCTATCTCTTCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,268] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACATACGAGGCATGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,269] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACATCAGAGCCAGGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,270] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACATCAGAGCGATTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,271] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACATCAGCAAGAACTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,272] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACATCAGCATATCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,273] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACATCAGGTACCGTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,274] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACATCAGGTATTGCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,275] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACATGGTCAGAGACGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,276] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCAGTAAGAGACGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,277] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCAGTAAGCGTGAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,278] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCAGTAAGGTGATTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,279] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCAGTACAAGCATGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,280] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCAGTACAGTCGGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,281] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCAGTACATCCAGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,282] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCAGTATCAACGATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,283] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCAGTATCCGATACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,284] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCCACTAGGACTGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,285] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCCACTTCGCCAACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,286] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCGTAACAACATAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,287] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCGTAACACGTCATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,288] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCGTAAGTAGAATAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,289] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCGTAATCCGTATTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,290] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGAGCCCAGACTCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,291] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGAGCCTCTTTCGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,292] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGAGGAAGCGATTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,293] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGAGGAGTTACGCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,294] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGAGGATCAGAGCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,295] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGAGGATCCTCTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,296] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGATACCATCTAAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,297] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGATACGTTCAAGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,298] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGATACTCCATTTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,299] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGATACTCGCGAGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,301] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGATGTAGGTATCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,302] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGATGTGTCACGCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,303] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGATGTTCCGTACCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,304] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGATGTTCTTCTTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,305] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGCAGCTCTGGTGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,306] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGCCAGAGACCGATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,306] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGCCAGAGAGCAATT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,307] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGCCAGAGTGTATCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,308] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGCCAGGTGCTTTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,309] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGCCAGTCATTGTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,310] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGCCGACAACCTCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,311] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGCCGACAAGAATCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,312] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGCCGACAATACTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,313] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGCCGACATCTCGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,314] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGCCGACATTCAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,315] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGCCGAGTAACTGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,316] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGCCGAGTAGGATAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,317] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGAGAAGCGCGATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,318] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGAGACACGGGATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,319] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGAGACAGATACCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,320] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGAGACATTCCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,321] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGAGAGTACGCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,322] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGAGAGTATACACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,323] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGAGAGTCTGCCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,324] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGAGAGTGGCCACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,325] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGAGAGTTCGTAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,326] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGCCAAGAGCTATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,327] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGCCAAGTCTCGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,328] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGCCACAACGACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,329] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGCCAGTCTCGAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,330] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGCCATCAATAGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,331] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGGCTCACCAATAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,332] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGGCTGTGGTGAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,333] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGGTCCATGGATTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,335] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGGTCGTGAAGCCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,336] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGGTCTCGGATCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,337] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGTCAACAACCCTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,338] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGTCAACACTTCTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,339] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGTCAACAGCCCGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,340] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGTCAACATTGAAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,341] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGTCAAGTAGAACAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,342] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGTCAATCACGTAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,343] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTATCTAGTTTAGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,344] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTATCTGTTGGTATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,345] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGAACCACGCGATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,346] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGAACGTACGTTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,347] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGAACTCGAGTATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,348] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGAGTTCACTGCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,349] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGAGTTCTGGGCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,350] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGATGAGAGACTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,351] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGATGCATTACGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,352] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGATGGTGTGCTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,353] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGATGTCTACAGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,354] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGCTCCAACCTGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,355] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGCTCCAGTGCTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,356] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGCTCCATCCGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,357] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGCTCGTCAAGTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,358] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGCTCGTCTTACCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,359] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGCTCTCAAGTGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,360] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGCTCTCCAACAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,362] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGCTCTCTATGCCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,363] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGTCCCACAATCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,364] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGTCCGTCACCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,365] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGTCCGTTCGCGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,366] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGTCCTCCTACCCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,367] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTTACTGTTACGCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,368] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTTACTTCTGGATCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,369] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTTGTTAGTTAGGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,371] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTTGTTGTAGTGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,372] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTTGTTGTGCTCGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,373] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTTGTTGTTGGCGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,375] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTTGTTTCAGGTGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,376] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTTGTTTCGGCTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,377] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTTTCAAGGCGTTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,378] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTTTCAAGTCGACTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,379] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTTTCAGTCGTAATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,380] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAATAGCACGCACGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,381] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAATAGCAGTTTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,383] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAATAGGTAACTTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,384] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAATAGGTACGCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,386] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAATAGGTCGTGAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,387] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAGCGACAAGGTATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,388] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAGCGACACCTCCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,389] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAGCGACACTAAGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,390] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAGCGAGTTTCCTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,391] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAGCGATCAGCGTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,394] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAGCTTAGATATGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,395] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAGCTTAGGACAGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,397] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAGCTTCATGCCATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,397] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAGCTTTCGAGCCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,399] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAGTGGGTCAAAGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,400] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAGTGGTCGTTGCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,401] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGATCTGTCCGCTGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,402] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGATCTGTCCTCTGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,403] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGATCTGTCCTTCGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,404] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGATTGCAGCGAGAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,406] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGATTGCGTGCTTTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,407] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCAGCCAGATGCGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,409] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCAGCCAGGAGTAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,410] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCAGCCAGGGATACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,411] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCAGCCGTTATGTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,412] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCAGCCGTTGCGGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,413] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCAGCCTCCAGGCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,414] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCAGCCTCGGGTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,415] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCATACCACCACACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,416] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCATACTCGTTATTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,417] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCATACTCTCGAATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,418] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCCTAAAGAACTTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,420] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCCTAAAGGCTCATT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,421] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCCTAAAGTGACATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,422] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCCTAAGTACCGCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,423] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCCTAAGTCCTACCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,424] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCCTAAGTCTCTTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,425] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCCTAATCGTGCTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,427] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCCTAATCTTCACGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,428] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCGGTCAGAGGTAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,429] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCGGTCAGCAGTACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,430] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCGGTCGTCACCTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,432] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCGTATGTAATGACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,433] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCGTATGTGTCCTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,434] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCGTCGAGAACAATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,435] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCTCCTCAAGGTATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,437] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCTCCTCACTGTATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,438] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCTCTCCATGCCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,439] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCTCTCGTGGTAACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,440] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCTCTCTCCTGCACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,441] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCTTGAAGATCTGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,442] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCTTGACATGGCTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,443] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCTTGACATTTCGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,444] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCTTGATCGTTCGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,445] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCTTGATCTAAGGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,446] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGCCACAGAAACGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,447] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGCCACGTGCACACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,448] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGCCACGTGCTTAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,450] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGCCGTCAACGCCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,451] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGCCGTCACAGTGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,452] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGCCGTTCCAGACCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,452] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGGAGTCATGCCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,453] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGGAGTGTCTAGCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,454] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGGAGTGTGACATCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,455] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGGAGTTCTGCGGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,456] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGGATGAGCCCGAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,457] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGGATGCAATCTCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,458] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGGATGCACGATCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,459] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGGATGGTCTGATAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,460] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGGTGACATGACCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,461] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGGTGAGTACGTGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,462] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGGTGAGTCGAGTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,463] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGGTGATCAGATGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,464] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGTCATAGAGTCCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,465] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGTCATAGGCATGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,466] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGTCATAGGGATTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,467] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGTCATAGTCCAGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,468] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGTCATTCCACCTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,469] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGTCATTCCGTAATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,470] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGTCATTCTAAGGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,471] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGTCATTCTACAAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,472] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGTCCGAGATCCTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,473] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGTCCGCAAGTACAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,474] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGTCCGCAATGTAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,475] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGTCCGGTCGACCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,476] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTAGTCAGCGTTGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,477] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTAGTCAGCTTTGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,478] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTAGTCGTACTAGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,479] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTAGTCTCAGGTTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,480] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTAGTCTCGCGATGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,481] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTCTTTCACTCACCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,482] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTCTTTGTAACTAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,483] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTCTTTTCTACGGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,484] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTGAGGAGCTGCCCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,485] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTGAGGCAACGACTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,486] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTGAGGCAAGCTACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,487] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTGAGGCACAAGCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,488] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTGAGGCATAGCACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,489] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTGAGGTCAGTAAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,490] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTGAGGTCTGGATCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,491] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTGGGAAGAGTACAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,492] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTGGGATCTTGTCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,493] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTGTCAAGACGCACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,494] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTGTCAAGGGAAACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,495] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTTGGTGTCAAGCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,496] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATAACGCAGGCTCTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,497] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATAACGCGTCAAAGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,498] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATAACGCGTCAGTGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,499] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATAACGCTCCCACAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,500] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATAAGAGAGTAGATCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,501] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATAAGAGCAAACGAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,502] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATAAGAGCACCACATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,503] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATAAGAGGTATAAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,504] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATAAGAGTCATTCGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,505] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATAAGAGTCGGAATGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,506] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATAAGAGTCGGCACCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,507] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATAGACCAGCCAAACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,508] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATAGACCCACTTTCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,509] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATAGACCGTAGGTCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,510] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCACGAAGCCAGGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,512] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCACGAAGGGTTTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,513] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCACGAAGTTAGGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,514] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCACGATCGAGCACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,515] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCACGATCGCGCACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,516] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCACGATCTCGTCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,518] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCACGATCTGGTGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,519] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCATCTAGGCAGTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,520] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCATCTCACGGAGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,521] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCATCTTCCGCTGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,522] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCATCTTCGGTGCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,522] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCATGGCATTCATCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,524] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCATGGGTGATGTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,525] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCATGGTCCTTGCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,526] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCATGGTCTTCTAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,527] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCCACCAGCGAACTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,528] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCCACCCAATGGTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,529] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCCACCGTGGAGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,530] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCCACCTCACGTTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,531] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCCGAAAGGGCATGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,532] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCGAGTCACTTTCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,533] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCGAGTCATCGTCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,534] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCGAGTGTGATATGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,535] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCGAGTTCTACGTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,536] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCTACTCATATGTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,537] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCTACTGTCGCGTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,537] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCTACTTCCCAAGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,538] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCTACTTCGAACAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,539] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCTGCCAGGCAACAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,540] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCTGCCCAACGACTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,541] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCTGCCGTAACAATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,542] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCTGCCGTGAGTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,543] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCTGCCGTTTCCATT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,544] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCTGCCTCCGTTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,546] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGAGGGAGTTAACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,546] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGAGGGCATGAGGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,548] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGCGATAGTCGACTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,549] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGCGATCAGGTCCCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,550] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGCGATGTTTCGCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,551] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGGGAGAGCACGCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,552] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGGGAGAGCTGAAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,553] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGGGAGAGGGCTTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,554] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGGGAGCAAGTGAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,555] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGGGAGGTCCGGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,556] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGGGAGGTTAAAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,557] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGTGTGAGCAAAGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,559] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTACTCAGAGCCACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,560] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTACTCAGTGAATTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,561] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTACTCGTCATGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,562] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTACTCTCCAGACCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,563] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTACTCTCGGTAAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,564] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTATCCAGGTTCCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,565] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTATCCTCGCCTGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,566] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTATCCTCTTAAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,567] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTCTACAGCTAGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,568] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTCTACAGTGTACGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,569] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTCTACTCCAGACCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,570] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTCTACTCGTTCAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,571] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTGGACCAGTTAGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,572] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTGGACGTATAAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,573] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTGGACGTCAAGTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,574] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTGGACGTGGTCAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,575] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTGGACTCACCGGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,576] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTGGTGTCTCAGCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,577] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTTCTGAGACAGACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,578] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTTCTGGTACCGCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,579] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTTCTGTCCAAAGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,580] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAACCAACAGACTCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,581] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAACCAAGTAACAATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,582] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAACCTCCAACGTTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,583] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAACCTCGTTACGGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,584] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAACCTCTCCGCTCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,585] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAACTAGGTACATGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,586] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAACTAGGTGAACACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,587] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGAAACAACTGGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,588] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGAAATCACACGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,589] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGAAATCAGCGCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,590] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGAAATCGCGGCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,591] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGATCAGCACGCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,592] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGATCTCATCACTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,593] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGGCCAGTTCGATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,594] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGGCCCACAAGCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,595] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGGCCCAGAATTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,597] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGGCCTCCAACGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,598] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGGCCTCGAGTTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,599] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGGCCTCGGGTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,600] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGTTGAGAAACCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,601] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGTTGAGCTCTCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,602] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGTTGCACAGACCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,603] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGTTGCAGTCGGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,604] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGTTGGTAGATCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,605] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGTTGGTTGATCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,607] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGTTGTCTGTATTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,607] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACAAACAGCATTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,608] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACAAACCAACACCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,610] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACAAACCACGACGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,611] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACAAACCAGCTATGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,612] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACAAACGTACTCGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,613] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACAAACGTGCATGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,614] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACAAACGTGTAGTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,615] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACAAACTCACGCGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,616] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACAAACTCGTACGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,618] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACAAACTCTAAGGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,619] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACACAAAGAAGGCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,620] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACACAACAATTCACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,621] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACACAACAGACACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,622] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACACAAGTGAGCTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,623] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACACAATCCCAGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,625] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACACAATCTCGGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,626] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACACCTCAGACACAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,627] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACACCTTCCACTAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,628] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACACTCAGTCATCCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,629] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACACTCCAGGACCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,630] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACAGGCGTAGGTCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,632] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACAGTAAGTTTCCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,633] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACATAGAGGCCCTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,634] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACATAGGTTTAGCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,635] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACATAGTCCCATGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,636] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACATAGTCCTCCTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,637] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACATAGTCTTCACAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,638] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACATTTCAACACTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,639] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACATTTCATAGTGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,640] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACCACTAGGACTGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,642] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACCACTAGGCATTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,643] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACCACTCACGAAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,644] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACCACTGTGATGTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,645] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACCACTGTGCATGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,646] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACCACTGTGGTAAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,647] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACCACTTCCTTATTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,648] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACCAGGCAGTACTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,649] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACCAGGGTGATTTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,650] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACCAGGTCCAACAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,651] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACCTTGCATGGCACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,652] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACCTTGCATTATCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,653] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACCTTGTCCGTTAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,654] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACCTTGTCTTGGATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,655] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACTCCAAGCTACCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,656] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACTCCACAAAGGTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,657] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACTCCACAGTTTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,658] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACTCCACATATCGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,659] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGAATCAGCAACGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,660] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGAGAGCAGACTCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,661] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGAGAGGTGGAAAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,662] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGAGAGTCCGTAATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,663] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGATCAAGCGCGTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,664] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGATCAAGGGATTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,665] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCAGCAGCGGATCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,666] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCAGCCACGACTAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,667] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCAGCGTGACCAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,668] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCAGCTCTGATCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,669] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCATAAGCACCGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,670] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCATATCATCAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,671] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCCGACACTCTGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,672] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCCGAGTACGCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,673] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCCGAGTGAGTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,675] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCGACAGGCCCACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,675] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCTAAAGGATCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,677] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCTAACAGCAGATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,678] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCTAACAGCCCATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,679] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCTAACATGCGTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,680] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCTAATCCAACGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,681] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCTAATCCACCCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,682] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCTAATCGTTATTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,683] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCTGGCAGGATCCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,684] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCTGGCATTACGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,685] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCTGGTCCGCGACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,686] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGTAACAGGGTAACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,687] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGTAACAGTTCCACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,688] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGTAACGTAACACTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,689] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGTCCTCAACAACTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,690] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGTCCTCAATGGTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,691] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGTCCTCAGTCGGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,692] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGTCCTGTAACGCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,693] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGTCCTGTACAAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,695] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGTCCTGTTAGAATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,696] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGTCCTTCATTCGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,697] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGTCCTTCGACGAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,698] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGTCCTTCTTGCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,699] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATATGGAGAGTAAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,700] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATATGGGTTGAACAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,701] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCAAGAGATCCTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,702] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCAAGAGCTGTTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,704] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCAAGCAGCACACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,704] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCAAGTCTCATGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,705] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCAGAAGAGCTTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,706] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCAGAAGGGATTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,707] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCAGAGTCTAGGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,708] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCAGATCATTCGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,709] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCCACAGTAGTATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,710] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCCACTCCGAAGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,711] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCCACTCTGGGCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,712] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCGAAGTCCGGTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,713] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCGAAGTGCGCTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,714] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCGGGAGACAGTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,715] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCGGGAGGCACATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,716] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCGGGCAAGTACAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,717] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCGGGTCCGCTTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,718] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCGGGTCCTTGCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,719] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATGACAAGTGATCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,720] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATGACACAATCGCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,722] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATGACACAGCCAAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,723] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATGACACATGGCTAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,724] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATGACAGTAGCGTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,725] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATGCCTAGCCCGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,726] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATGCCTCAACATCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,727] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATGCCTTCTGTATTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,728] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATGGCGAGGTGTAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,730] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATGGCGGTCATGTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,731] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATGGCGGTTTGTCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,732] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATGGCGTCGATTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,733] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATTATCAGGCACATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,734] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATTATCAGGCCCGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,735] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATTCGCAGCGCCTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,736] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATTCGCCAACGACAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,737] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATTCGCGTGTGACAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,738] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATTCGCGTTGTAGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,739] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATTCGCTCGGGCTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,740] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCAATCCGTCAGTGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,741] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCAATCCGTGATTTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,742] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCACCTACACTCTCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,743] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCACCTAGTAACGAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,744] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCACCTAGTGGATAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,745] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCACCTATCGTTCAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,746] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCACGGAAGCCTATGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,747] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCACGGACAAAGCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,748] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCACGGACACGAGTTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,749] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCACGGACATCCTGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,750] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCACGGATCCTGATTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,751] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCACTACAGTGGACGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,752] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCACTACGTCTTCGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,753] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCACTACTCGTTCAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,754] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCAGCGAAGGGCTTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,755] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCAGCGACATTTAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,756] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCATGTCAGAGCAATT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,757] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCATGTCCAGTTATGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,758] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCATGTCGTGTGCTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,759] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCATTCGCATGCGTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,760] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCATTCGTCAGCATAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,761] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCATTCGTCCAACAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,762] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCATTCGTCCACTTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,763] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCATTCGTCCTGACAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,765] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCCAATCGTGCTTTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,766] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCCAGTTAGCGATTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,767] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCCAGTTGTCAAGTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,768] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCCAGTTTCCGCCTAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,769] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCCATACAGGTGTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,770] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCCTCCTAGACTAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,771] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCCTCCTTCTCTCTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,772] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGGGATAGGAGTACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,773] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGGGATAGGTATCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,774] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGGGATGTGTCTGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,776] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGGTAGAGCCTAACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,777] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGGTAGGTTGACCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,778] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGTACTGTACTCCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,779] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGTGGAAGAAAGTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,781] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGTGGAGTCGCTGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,782] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGTGGAGTGTTCGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,783] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGTGGATCACGAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,784] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGTGGATCAGCACGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,785] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGTGGATCGCGCACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,786] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGTTCAAGAATGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,787] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGTTCAGTTCTAGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,788] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGTTCATCGTAGGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,789] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTAAAGAGAAGCCCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,790] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTAAAGCATTTGTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,791] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTAAAGGTGACATGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,792] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTAAAGGTTTGTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,793] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTACACAGTGGAGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,794] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTACACGTCATCTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,795] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTACCACATACAGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,796] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTACCAGTACGTAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,797] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTAGCTAGGTACTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,798] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTAGCTAGTAAGTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,799] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTAGCTCACCTGCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,800] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTAGCTGTAAGGTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,801] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTAGCTGTCCTCGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,802] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTAGCTGTGTCTAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,803] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTAGCTTCAGATTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,804] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTAGCTTCAGTACAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,805] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTATTACAACTACTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,806] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTATTATCACGGTAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,807] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTCAGTAGCCCAGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,808] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTCAGTAGGCGACAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,809] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTCAGTAGTGAAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,810] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTCTGATCTAGAGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,811] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTCTGATCTGGGACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,812] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTACGAGCATGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,813] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTACGCAAGTGCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,814] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTACGGTCGATACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,815] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTACGTCCTGACAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,816] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTACGTCTCCACAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,817] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTCCCCACATTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,818] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTCCCCACGTCATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,819] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTCCCCACGTTTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,821] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTCCCCATGTATGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,822] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTCGAAGATAGCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,822] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTCGACAGACTCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,824] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTCGAGTGTGCTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,825] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTCGATCACCGCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,826] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTCGATCATGACCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,827] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTTCTAGATGCGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,828] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTTCTCAAGCAAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,829] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTTCTCACACGCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,830] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTTCTCAGTCGGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,831] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTTCTGTTTCCTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,832] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTTCTTCACTACAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,833] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTTCTTCATCTTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,834] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTTCTTCCTTGCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,835] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTTCTTCGAGTATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,837] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTTCTTCTGTTGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,838] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAACATAGCACAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,839] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAACATAGCTAACTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,840] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAACATCACACTCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,841] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAATGTCAGGGCTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,842] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAATGTGTCCATTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,842] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAATGTGTTGCACTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,843] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAATGTTCACGCGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,844] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAATGTTCCAGGTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,845] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAATGTTCCCATGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,847] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAATGTTCGCTCTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,848] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGACCTTAGACTCGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,849] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGACCTTTCCACAGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,850] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGACCTTTCCTCTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,851] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGACTTCAGAAGATTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,852] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGACTTCAGTCTCGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,853] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGACTTCGTCAACTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,854] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGACTTCGTGGTAAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,855] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAGAAGAGATTCACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,856] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAGAAGAGCCAGAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,857] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAGAAGAGTAGGTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,858] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAGAAGCAATCGCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,859] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAGAAGCATCTCACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,860] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAGAAGGTCAGTGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,861] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAGAAGGTCGCCAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,862] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAGAAGTCACGCTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,863] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAGAAGTCATGGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,864] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAGCACCATTACGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,865] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAGCACGTACCAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,866] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAGCACTCATTCGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,868] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAGCACTCCACTTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,869] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAGCCAAGTGTTGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,870] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAGCCACATCCGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,871] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAGCCATCGCGCACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,872] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGATCGGGTCCTACCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,873] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGATCGGTCTAGCAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,875] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGATGGCAGCAACGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,876] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGATGGCCAGTGCTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,877] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGATGGCGTCAAACTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,878] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGATGTACACCCAAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,879] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGATGTACATCCGTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,880] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGATGTATCTACGTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,881] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGATTGACATGGCTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,882] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGATTGATCGGAGAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,883] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCCAAGCACAGCCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,884] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCCAAGGTTAAGTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,885] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCCAAGTCGTATTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,886] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCGGTAAGTACACCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,887] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCGGTATCTGCTACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,888] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCGTTTCAGCATGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,889] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCGTTTGTGTTCCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,890] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCTATCAGATGCGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,891] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCTATCAGGGCTTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,892] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCTATCCAACAGAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,893] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCTATCGTGTTACGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,894] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCTGGAAGGGTGTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,895] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCTGGAGTAGCCCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,896] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCTGGATCGATAGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,897] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCTTCAGTACCAACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,898] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGACACCACTACGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,899] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGACACCATAGAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,899] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGACACGTCATCTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,901] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGACACTCATCGCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,902] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGACGTCAAGCATGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,903] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGACGTCACAGAAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,904] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGACGTCAGCATGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,905] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGACGTGTACTACAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,906] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGACGTGTGCTTCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,907] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGACGTTCGTTCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,908] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGACTGCAGCCCGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,909] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGACTGCATAACTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,910] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGACTGGTGTAACCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,911] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGAGCTAGGTAACGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,912] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGAGCTCACAGAAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,913] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGAGTCGTCATCCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,914] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGAGTCGTGATTGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,915] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGAGTCTCATTTCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,916] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGAGTCTCGTAGGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,917] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGCTAGGTCTAGGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,918] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGGTCAAGCCAGAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,919] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGGTCAAGTGCGATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,920] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGGTCAGTCGACGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,921] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGGTCAGTCTCGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,922] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGGTCAGTGGAGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,923] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGGTCATCACCGGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,924] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGGTCATCGCGGACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,925] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGGTCATCTCCACAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,926] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGTTAAGTCTTCGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,927] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGTTAATCCGACCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,928] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGTTAATCTGGTAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,929] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTAGGCGTCTGCCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,930] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTAGGCGTGATATGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,931] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCACTAGTGGGTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,932] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCACTTCAGTGCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,933] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCACTTCCACTAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,934] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCAGGCAACCTAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,935] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCAGGGTTATCCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,936] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCAGGTCTTAGCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,937] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCCATAGTGGGTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,938] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCCATAGTTTAGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,939] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCCATCAGGCCTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,941] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCCATCATAGGTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,941] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCCATCATTCAGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,942] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCCATTCCGTATTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,943] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCTACAGAGACTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,944] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCTACAGTCGTCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,945] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCTACCAACTTTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,946] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCTACGTTTAGGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,947] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCTACTCCGCTGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,948] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCTACTCTACATGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,949] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTGAGCCAATACTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,950] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTGAGCCATTACGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,951] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTGAGCTCGGAATGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,952] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTGTAAGTAACGACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,953] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTGTAAGTTTCCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,954] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTGTAATCCGTATTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,955] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTGTAATCTACCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,956] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTGTCTCATTACGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,957] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTGTCTGTACCAGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,958] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTGTCTGTCACCTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,959] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTGTCTGTGAGTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,960] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTAGAAGGACAGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,961] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTAGAAGTGTCTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,962] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTAGACAACAGCCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,963] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTAGACACCACGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,964] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTAGAGTAGACGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,965] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTCTGAGCTAAACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,966] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTGGGAGCAGCGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,967] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTGGGAGCCTAACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,968] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTGGGAGCTAGTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,969] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTGGGAGGAGCGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,970] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTGGGCAACGCCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,972] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTGGGCAAGTTGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,973] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTGGGTCTCTTCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,974] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAACTTCAAATGATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,975] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAACTTCATCAGGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,976] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAACTTGTTTGTCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,977] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAACTTTCAGAAACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,978] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAAGACAGAGCTGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,979] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAAGACGTAGCGTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,980] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAAGACGTCGTAATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,981] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAAGACTCGATTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,982] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAAGACTCTCAGATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,983] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAAGACTCTTGTTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,984] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACACCTCACCGGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,985] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACACCTCTCTCTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,986] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACATTAGTTAGGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,987] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACATTTCTGTGAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,988] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACCCAAGTCCGTAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,989] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACCCATCTTTCGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,990] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACGTCAGATCCGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,991] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACGTCCAGGTCCCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,992] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACGTCGTATGCTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,993] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAGAGTAGGGAAACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,994] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAGAGTCAAAGGGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,995] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAGAGTCAGAGGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,996] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAGAGTCAGGGATCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,997] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAGAGTTCACTCATT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,998] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAGAGTTCTAACACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:00,999] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAGCCTAGAAGGGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,000] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAGCCTCAACTGGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,001] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAGCCTGTCCTACCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,002] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAGTGAAGTACGCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,003] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAGTGAGTTTAGGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,005] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAGTGATCCTTGCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,006] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCACACAGCAAATCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,007] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCACACCAGGTACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,008] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCACACCATTACTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,009] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCACACGTAGCAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,010] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCACACGTTGAAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,011] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCACACTCATATCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,012] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCAGAAAGATATGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,013] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCAGAAGTCAAGTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,014] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCAGAAGTCATCCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,015] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCAGAATCCGTATTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,016] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCAGAATCTGCTACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,017] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCATTACAAATCAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,018] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCATTACAATGGTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,019] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCATTAGTCCAGTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,020] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCATTATCGATTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,021] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCCTAGAGCTAACAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,022] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCCTAGCATGGCTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,023] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGAAACATAGGACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,024] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGAAATCCACCGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,025] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGAGGAGAACTCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,026] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGAGGAGAAGGCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,027] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGAGGAGGTGTAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,028] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGAGGAGTGGCACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,029] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGAGGCAGACACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,030] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGAGGCATCTGTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,031] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGAGGGTTCGAGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,032] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGAGGTCTGAAGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,033] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGGGACATCCAGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,034] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGGGAGTTGGCGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,035] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGTACAGAGACTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,036] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGTACAGGCATATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,037] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGTACAGGGAACGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,038] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGTACAGGTGTGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,039] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGTACCACTTGCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,040] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGTACGTTGGTGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,041] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGTCACAAGGGATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,042] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGTCACAGCGTACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,043] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGTCAGTTAGAGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,044] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGTCATCCTGATTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,045] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGTCATCTATTGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,046] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCTAATAGGCATGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,047] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCTAATGTCAACTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,048] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCTACGAGTGCCATT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,049] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCTACGCAGAAGAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,050] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCTACGGTGAGTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,051] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCTACGTCGCTAGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,052] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCTGGTAGACCTAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,053] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCTGGTCAGTGTGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,054] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGAAACGTCATACCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,055] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGAAACGTCTGATAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,056] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGAAGTAGGGCATGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,057] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGAAGTCACCTCCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,058] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGAAGTCATTTGCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,059] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGAAGTTCCAACGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,060] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGAAGTTCCTATGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,061] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGATAGAGCGTCAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,061] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGATAGCACCACGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,062] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGATCCAGAAGGTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,063] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGATCCGTCTCGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,064] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGATCCGTGTTTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,065] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGATCCTCGCACAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,066] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGCCTACAATTAAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,067] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGCCTACACTCCGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,068] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGCCTAGTACCGTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,069] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGCTGTAGTAGCGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,070] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGCTGTCACGCACGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,071] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGCTGTGTCCGATGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,072] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGCTGTTCCGCCTAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,073] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGGTCTCAAAGTGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,074] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGTGCTAGATCCCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,075] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGTGCTCATAGCACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,076] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGTGCTTCATCGCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,077] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGTGCTTCCACCGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,078] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGTGCTTCGAAAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,079] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGTTTATCCTGATTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,080] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGTTTATCGTAGGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,081] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTAACTAGCTAACTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,082] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTAACTGTCTTCGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,083] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTAACTGTGTCTAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,084] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTAACTGTTGCGGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,085] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTACCGAGTAGGCCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,086] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTACCGCAACCCTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,087] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTACCGCACATAAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,088] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTACCGCACCGTCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,089] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTACCGGTTACGGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,090] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTACCGTCCTATGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,091] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTACCGTCGTTCGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,093] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTAGGAAGACCGATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,094] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTAGGACAAATCGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,095] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTAGGACAATGTAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,095] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTAGGAGTGGTGCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,097] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTCTCTGTAGTCAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,098] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTCTCTGTTCGGTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,099] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTCTCTTCTCCAGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,100] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTCTCTTCTCTTCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,101] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTGGCTGTACATGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,102] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTGGCTTCGTTATCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,103] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTGGCTTCTTAAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,104] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTTGCGGTGGTACAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,105] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTTGCGTCCCAGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,106] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTTGCGTCCTCTGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,107] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAAACTCAGCTGGTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,108] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAAACTCAGGCTCTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,110] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAAACTCGTGCATTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,111] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAAACTCGTGGCAAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,112] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAAACTCGTTCGGTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,113] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAAATGAGTCATACCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,114] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAAATGAGTGTCCGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,115] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAAATGATCCAAACCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,117] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAACATCAGTGTTAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,118] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAACATCCAAGCACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,118] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAACATCCAATGTGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,120] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAACATCCATCAAGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,121] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAACATCGTTACGCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,122] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAACCTATCTCCATGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,123] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAACGGACATCAAGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,124] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAAGCAGAGATACACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,125] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAAGCAGAGTTCCACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,126] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAAGCAGCAAATAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,127] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAAGCAGGTCGCAAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,128] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAAGCAGTCTTGGCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,129] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAATAAGAGGCCGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,130] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAATAAGAGTGGAGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,131] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAATAAGAGTGTTGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,132] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAATAAGGTCGTCTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,133] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAATGAAAGACCGATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,134] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAATGAAAGGAAACTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,135] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAATGAAAGGGCTTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,136] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAATGAAAGTGTTGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,137] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAATGAAGTTACGCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,138] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACACGCAGATGTCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,139] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACACGCCACTACGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,141] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACACGCGTAAACAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,142] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACACGCTCAGATGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,143] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACACGCTCGGTGCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,144] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACAGAGAGTCGCGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,145] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACAGAGGTAAGTGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,146] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACCAATAGATTCACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,147] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACCAATAGCCGAACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,148] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACCAATCACACCTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,149] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACCAATGTCAACTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,151] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACCAATTCCTCGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,152] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACCTGGCAAATCAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,152] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACCTGGTCGAGGAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,153] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACCTGGTCGGTGCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,154] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACCTGGTCTAAGGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,155] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGCGTAGGCTAGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,156] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGCGTTCAACAGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,157] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGCGTTCCAAGGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,159] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGCGTTCTTGCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,159] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGGCTAGACCCACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,160] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGGCTCAAGAATCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,161] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGGCTCACAGAGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,162] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGGCTGTCGCGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,163] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGGCTGTGGTGCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,164] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGGCTTCTAAGTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,165] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGTGCAGTACGCCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,166] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGTGCCATGAGACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,167] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGTTAAGATGCGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,168] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGTTAAGGCCATAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,169] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGTTAAGTTTCTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,170] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGTTATCAAGAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,170] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGTTATCAATCTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,172] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGTTATCGATAGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,173] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGTTATCGTTCGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,174] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACTAACAGCATTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,175] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACTAACAGGCAACAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,176] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACTAACAGTTATCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,177] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACTAACGTAAGTAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,178] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACTAACGTCGGGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,179] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACTGCGAGCCGGTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,180] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACTGCGTCATCTCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,181] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAGCAGAGTAGTGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,182] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAGCAGAGTGCTTCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,183] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAGGTGACAGTCCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,184] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAGGTGAGTAATATGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,185] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAGGTGAGTATTGCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,186] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAGGTGATCTGCGGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,187] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAGTCCGGTGTGACAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,188] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAGTCCGTCCTGAAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,189] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAGTCCGTCTCCACAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,190] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCAGTAGGTGCACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,191] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCAGTGTAACCGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,192] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCAGTTCAGTAAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,193] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCGATCATCGGCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,194] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCGATGTGTCAACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,195] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCGCGAGGCTAGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,196] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCGCGTCATCGCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,197] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCGTAAGTTTGCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,198] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCGTACAAGCATGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,199] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCGTATCCTCTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,200] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCTAGCAGATCCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,201] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCTAGTCCCAGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,202] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATGAAAAGATATGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,203] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATGAAACAAAGGTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,204] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATGAGGCACTCCGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,205] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATGAGGCATACCAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,206] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATGAGGGTACTCCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,207] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATGAGGGTCAATTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,208] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATGCTAAGGCATATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,209] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATGCTAAGGCCCTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,210] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATGCTAAGGTGTTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,211] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATGCTAGTAGACCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,212] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATGCTAGTCCGCAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,213] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATGCTAGTTAAGATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,214] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATGCTATCGTGTACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,215] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATTCAGAGGCGTTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,216] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATTCAGCATTGAAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,217] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATTCAGGTTAAACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,218] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAAACTCATCCACGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,219] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAAACTGTCAACATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,220] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAAACTGTCTGTAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,222] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAAACTTCCTGATTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,223] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAATCACAGTAGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,224] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAATCAGTCCGGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,225] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAATCAGTGCGGTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,226] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAATCATCACACGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,227] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCACATAGTCTCTTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,228] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCACTCTCAACCGCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,229] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCACTCTGTTGGAGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,230] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCACTCTTCGTAAGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,231] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCACTCTTCTTTCGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,232] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAGCCAAGCTCAACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,233] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAGCCATCTAACACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,234] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAGTTAAGCCCGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,235] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAGTTAAGTGTATCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,236] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAGTTAAGTGTCCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,237] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAGTTATCATTGTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,238] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAGTTATCCAACGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,239] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATACAAGTAAGTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,240] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATACAGTAACGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,241] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATACAGTACAATAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,242] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATACATCCACCGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,243] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATGATAGCTGAAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,244] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATGATTCGTAAGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,245] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATGCGAGGCCGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,246] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATGCGCATCATGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,247] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATGCGGTCGCGAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,248] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATGCGGTTAGCTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,249] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATGCGGTTTGTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,250] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATGTAAGCATTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,251] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATGTACAAGCAAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,252] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATGTACACATCTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,253] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATGTAGTACAAGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,254] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATGTAGTCGTAATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,255] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATGTATCGAGAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,256] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATGTATCGTTCAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,257] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCCAAATGTTGAAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,258] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCCAAATTCTGTTGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,259] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCCTCTAAGCAACGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,260] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCCTCTAAGCTAACAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,260] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCCTCTAAGTGTACCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,261] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCCTCTACATGTTTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,262] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCCTCTATCAAGCCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,263] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCCTCTATCACTCATT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,264] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCCTCTATCCGTAATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,265] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGACCAAGCTATGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,266] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGAGAACACAGAAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,267] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGAGAAGTGTCTGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,268] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCAACCAATACTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,269] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCAACCACAATGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,270] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCAACCAGATATCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,271] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCAACGTCGGGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,272] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCAACGTGTCGCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,273] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCAACTCAGCATAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,274] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCAACTCCTTCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,275] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCAACTCGTTCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,276] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCAGTAGAGACTAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,277] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCAGTAGGGCTTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,278] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCAGTCAACACCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,279] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCAGTCACCTCCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,280] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCCAACACTGGCCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,281] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCCAAGTTCTAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,282] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCCAATCAGGACAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,283] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCGATAGCAACGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,284] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCGATAGCTAGCCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,285] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCGATAGTACTTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,286] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCGATGTGATGTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,287] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGGGTTAGGTAACGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,288] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGGGTTCATCCACGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,289] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGGGTTGTAGATAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,290] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGGGTTGTCTCGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,291] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTCCTAAGAAGATTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,292] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTCCTAAGCGAGAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,293] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTCCTAAGCGTCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,294] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTCCTAAGTAGGTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,295] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTCCTACAGTCCGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,296] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTCCTACATGTTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,297] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTCCTACATTTCCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,298] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTCCTATCCTTGAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,299] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTCTGTGTAACACTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,300] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTCTGTGTCATGTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,301] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTCTGTGTGCCATTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,302] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTCTGTTCTTTCGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,303] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTGCAGGTAACGCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,304] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTGCGAAGCAGAGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,305] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTGCGAAGCCACCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,306] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTGCGAAGGCCATAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,307] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTGCGACAGGTACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,308] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTGCGAGTACGTCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,309] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTGCGATCATGGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,310] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTGCGATCCCAGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,311] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTGCGATCCTCTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,312] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTGCTTCAAGCACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,313] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTGCTTCACTACATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,314] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTGGGTGTAGTTCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,315] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTGGGTGTCTTGCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,316] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTGGGTTCAGCCACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,317] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTTCCAAGACCACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,318] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTTCCACAGGGACTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,319] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTTCCATCACGCGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,320] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTTGAAGTGCACTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,321] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTTGAAGTGCGTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,322] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAAAGCCAACGCTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,323] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAAAGCCAGGTCTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,324] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAAAGCCATCATGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,325] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAAAGCTCCTTCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,326] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAAAGCTCTGCACAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,327] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAACTTAGCCATGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,328] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAACTTAGCTTTGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,329] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAATAAAGCGGCTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,330] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAATAAAGGCCCTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,331] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAATAAAGTAGATGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,332] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAATAAAGTGTATCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,333] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAATAACAGCGCCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,334] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAATAACATGAGACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,335] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAATAAGTCCAAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,336] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAATAAGTTTAGCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,337] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACAAGAGTGAAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,338] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACAAGCACAGTGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,339] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACAAGCAGCGCTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,340] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACAAGCATCGCATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,341] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACAAGTCAGTGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,342] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACAAGTCCGTTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,343] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACAAGTCTAAGGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,344] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACAGAAGAGTAGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,344] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACAGAAGGAGTCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,345] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACAGAAGGCAACAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,347] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACAGAGTGTCCCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,348] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACATTAGACCACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,349] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACATTTCTATGGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,350] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACATTTCTTGCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,351] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACGTCAGACAGACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,352] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACGTCAGAGCGAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,354] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACGTCAGTACGATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,356] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACGTCAGTTAACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,357] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACGTCTCACTACAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,360] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACGTCTCCACGATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,361] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAGCAACACAAGGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,362] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAGCAAGTTACGCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,363] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGATGTTAGAAAGCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,365] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGATGTTAGAGCTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,366] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGATGTTCAGTGGATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,369] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGATTACGTGTTTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,370] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGATTACGTTAAAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,371] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGATTACTCATTGTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,372] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGATTACTCCAAACCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,373] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCAATTGTAGACCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,374] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCAATTGTCCTAGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,375] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCAATTTCGTTCGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,376] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCCGATAGTCCATAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,378] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCCGATAGTGAACGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,380] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCCGATCACGGGATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,382] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCCGATGTCTAGCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,384] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCGACTCAATCGTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,387] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCGACTTCGTTGCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,388] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCGTGTCACCCAAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,389] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCGTGTCATCCCAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,390] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCGTGTCATGCCGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,391] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCGTGTGTGGTAAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,392] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCTCGAGTACATGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,393] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCTCGAGTATTGAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,394] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCTCGATCATGGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,395] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCTCGATCGGTAAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,397] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCTGGTAGACGTCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,398] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCTGGTCACCCGTTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,399] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCTGGTGTCGCGTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,401] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGAATGAGCTTAGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,402] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGAATGAGGCAGTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,403] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGAATGAGTGTGATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,404] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGAATGCAAATACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,405] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGAATGCACTCTGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,407] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGAATGGTACTGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,408] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGAATGTCCGCTGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,409] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGAATGTCCTTGAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,410] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGAATGTCGTTATTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,411] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGACCTAGGCTCTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,412] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGACCTAGTTTCTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,413] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGACCTGTGCGCTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,414] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGACCTGTGCGTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,416] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGACCTGTTGCAGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,417] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGACCTTCGTTACTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,418] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGAGATAGCTCCTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,419] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGATGATCGAGTTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,420] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGATGATCGTTCGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,423] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGATGATCTCGGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,424] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGCACTTCGTTAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,425] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGCACTTCTCTTCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,429] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGCATCAGTCAAGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,432] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGCATCGTACCAAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,433] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGCATCGTCCTAGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,436] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGCATCTCAACAGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,438] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGCATCTCCGTAATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,441] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGTCTGAGAAACGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,446] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGTCTGAGCAATCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,451] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGTCTGAGTCGTGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,452] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGTCTGCAAGTCGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,454] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGTCTGCACGACTAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,458] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGTCTGCAGGAGCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,460] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGTCTGGTACCGTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,462] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGTCTGGTTTGGCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,467] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGTCTGTCCGCGAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,468] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGTCTGTCGCGCACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,470] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGTTGCCAGGCCGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,473] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGTATTGCAAGTGAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,474] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGTATTGGTGCGTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,476] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGTATTGTCGTTGCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,477] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGTGAAGAGATTCACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,478] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGTGAAGCACGCCTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,480] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGTGAAGCATCATGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,483] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGTGAAGCATTCGTTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,486] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGTGCGTAGCACGCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,488] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGTGTTAAGCGTCTAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,492] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGTGTTACATCATGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,494] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGTGTTAGTCAGAAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,496] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGTGTTAGTCATACTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,498] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTAACGTCAAACGGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,505] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTAACGTTCTGGTGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,509] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTAACTGCATGCAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,510] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTACGTAAGCGAACTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,511] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTACGTACACGTGCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,512] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTACGTACATATCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,513] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTACTCCCAACCGCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,514] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTACTTTAGTCCATAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,515] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTACTTTAGTTATCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,516] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTACTTTCAACATAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,517] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTAGGCCCATGATGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,518] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTAGGCCGTTGGAGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,519] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTAGTCAAGCCCGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,520] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTAGTCAAGTAAGTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,521] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTAGTCACATGAATGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,523] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTAGTCATCCGGCTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,523] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTAGTCATCTACAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,524] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTATCTTAGGTAAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,525] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTATCTTAGTCGCCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,526] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTATCTTTCTCATCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,527] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTATTCTAGCTTCAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,528] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTATTCTCAACATAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,529] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTATTCTGTGATTTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,530] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTATTCTTCTGCCGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,531] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCAAGTAGCTGAAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,532] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCAAGTCACTCTCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,533] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACAAAGGAGTCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,534] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACAAAGGATGTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,535] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACAACAACGGCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,536] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACAACAAGGCGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,537] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACAACACGTCGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,538] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACAACACTAGGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,539] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACAACAGAACAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,540] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACAAGTCAAAGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,541] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACAAGTGGAGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,542] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACAATCACTGTTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,543] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACAATCTATGCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,544] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACAATCTGCACAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,545] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACGGAGGCTCTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,546] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACGGGTAACGACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,547] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACGGGTAGACCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,548] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACGGTCCCGTTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,549] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACGGTCCGTTAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,550] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACGGTCCTCTGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,551] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACGGTCGAAATCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,553] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACGGTCGTAGCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,554] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCATTTAGAACTTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,555] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCATTTCACAGCCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,555] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCATTTGTACAACGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,557] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCATTTTCAGGACAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,558] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCCTCAAGAGGTACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,559] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCCTCAAGCGCCTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,560] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCCTCAAGGCGACAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,561] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCCTCATCGAGCCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,562] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCGGGTTCTAGCCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,564] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCGGGTTCTTAAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,565] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCGTAATCGTTATTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,566] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCTCGTCAAAGTAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,567] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCTCGTCATCTGTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,568] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCTCGTGTCTAGGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,569] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCTCGTGTGTGAAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,570] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCTCGTTCGAATGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,571] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCTTCGAGAGAACAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,572] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCTTCGCATAACTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,573] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGAAGGAGGCCGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,574] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGAAGGCATACGGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,575] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGAAGGTCCTCGACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,577] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCAGCAGGCGCTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,578] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCAGCAGGGTTTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,579] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCAGCGTTAACCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,580] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCATAAGTAGTATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,581] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCATACATAACTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,582] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCATAGTGACCAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,583] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCGGTAGGCTCTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,584] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCGGTCACGAGATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,585] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCGGTGTGATAAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,586] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCGGTTCTCCCTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,587] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCTTCAGACCTTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,588] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCTTCCACAATCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,589] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCTTCTCGTTACCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,590] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCTTCTCGTTGCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,591] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCTTCTCTGTCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,592] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGGGTCAGAAGCCCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,593] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGGGTCGTTAGAATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,594] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGTGCGCATTCTTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,595] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGTGCGTCCACCCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,597] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGTGCGTCCCGCATT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,598] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGTTAGAGAATTCCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,599] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGTTAGAGCACAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,600] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGTTAGAGTGGTAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,602] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGTTAGGTGATTGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,603] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGTTAGGTGTCCGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,604] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGTTAGGTTTGGGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,605] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGTTAGTCGCACAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,606] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTAAGCCATCACTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,608] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTAAGCTCTCGTCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,609] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTACAGAGACTTGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,610] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTACAGGTACCATCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,611] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTCATTAGATTCACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,612] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTCATTAGCCTGATT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,613] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTCATTCAGAAGACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,614] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTCATTGTGCGAAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,615] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTCGGGAGGTGATTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,616] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTCGGGTCTCGAATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,617] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTCTCGAGCATCTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,618] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTCTCGAGTAGGTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,618] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTCTCGCAACAGCCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,619] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTCTCGCAACATGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,620] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTCTCGCACTGCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,621] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTCTCGTCCACAGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,622] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTCTCGTCTCACCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,623] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAAACCGAGTCTCGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,624] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAAACCGGTTCGTAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,625] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAAGAGACAGACGAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,626] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAAGAGAGTAGGATAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,627] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAAGAGATCGTGTCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,628] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAAGCGTAGAGCCCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,629] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAAGCGTCAGAACCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,630] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAAGCGTGTGCAACCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,631] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAAGCGTTCAAGAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,632] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAAGCGTTCCTTCGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,633] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAAGCGTTCTTGCGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,634] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAAGTGCTCACACCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,635] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAAGTGCTCCGTAATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,636] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAAGTGCTCGAGAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,637] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACACGAAGTGTCCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,638] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACACGAGTGGGAAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,639] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACAGTGAGGTGTGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,640] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACAGTGTCTGAGATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,641] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACCTATAGTGACATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,642] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACCTATGTTCCCACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,643] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACCTATTCAAGCCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,644] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACCTATTCGTGCCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,645] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACCTATTCTGCGGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,646] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACCTTAAGTCGATAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,647] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACCTTATCGGAGAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,648] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACCTTATCGTTGCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,648] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGATAGACAAGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,649] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGATAGGCTAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,650] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGATAGTGGCACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,651] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGATGTCGTGAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,652] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGATTCACGCGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,653] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGGCAGTAGATGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,654] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGGCAGTGTGATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,655] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGGCAGTTTCCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,656] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGGCCATCCACGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,657] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGGCCATCGGGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,658] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGGCCATTTCCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,659] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGGCGTGCCTGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,660] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGGCGTTTGGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,661] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGGCTCGGAGAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,662] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGGCTCGGATGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,663] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGTACAAGTGAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,664] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGTACACCCGTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,665] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGTACATGAAAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,665] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGTAGTAGCTAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,667] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGTAGTCCAGTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,667] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTCATAGCGAGAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,668] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTCATCAGCCCGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,669] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTCATCATACCAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,670] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTCATGTACTCCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,672] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTCGCTCCACTAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,673] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTTACGTGCATTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,674] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTTACTCATGTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,674] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTTGTAGCTACCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,675] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTTGTAGGAATCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,676] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTTGTGTCTACATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,677] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTTGTTCAGAGTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,678] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTTGTTCCTCCTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,679] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTTGTTCGAAAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,680] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTTGTTCGTTCAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,681] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGACCAAGAGTAAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,682] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGACCAAGCTGTCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,683] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGACCAAGCTTAGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,684] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGACCAAGTACGTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,685] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGACCACAGTGCTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,686] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGAGCTCAACCGCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,687] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGAGCTCAATCCTTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,688] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGAGCTCAGCCCGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,689] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGAGCTGTGCTCGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,690] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGAGCTTCTATGGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,691] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGCCGGAGCGGATCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,692] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGCCGGAGCTGGTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,693] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGCCGGAGGGTTCCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,694] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGCCGGAGTTTCTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,695] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGCCGGGTATGCTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,696] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGCCGGGTCATCTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,697] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGCCGGGTGGGCCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,698] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGCCGGTCATCGCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,699] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGCCGGTCTGAAGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,700] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGGCATAGGATGCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,701] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGGCATGTTGAAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,702] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGGCATTCCCGCATT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,703] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGTGGTAGTAGCGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,705] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGTGGTAGTTTGCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,706] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGTGGTCAGATCGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,707] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGTGGTGTCATGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,708] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGTGGTGTTCGATTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,709] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGTGGTGTTTCCATT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,710] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGTGGTTCCGCTGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,711] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGTGGTTCGTAACCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,712] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGTTGGAGACTGTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,713] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGTTGGAGCTGAACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,714] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGTTGGGTCGAATCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,715] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATCAGGAGTCACGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,716] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATCAGGCACTCTCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,717] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATCAGGCACTGGCCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,718] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATCAGGGTCATTACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,719] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATCTCAGTCAATTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,720] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATCTCAGTTGCACTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,722] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATCTCAGTTGTAGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,723] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATGCCCGTATTGAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,724] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATGCCCGTCCGGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,725] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATTACCAGACAGGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,726] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATTACCCAAGTAAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,727] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATTACCCAGACGAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,728] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATTACCCAGTTATGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,730] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATTACCGTGAAAGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,731] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATTACCGTTGCCACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,732] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATTACCTCAGATTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,733] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATTACCTCATTTGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,734] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAACGACAATGGCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,735] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAACGACACGACGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,736] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAACGAGTAGTCTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,737] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAATCTCACAGCTAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,739] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAATCTGTACAAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,740] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAATCTTCGCCTGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,741] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCACAAGTCTGGTAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,742] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCACGAAAGGGATGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,743] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGATGAGAAGCCCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,744] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGATGGTAAGCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,745] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGATGGTTCTAGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,746] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGATGTCTGGGCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,747] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGCAAAGGCTCTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,748] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGCAAGTTGGGCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,749] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGCTCAGCTTTGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,750] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGCTCAGTGATCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,751] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGCTCCAGGGACTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,752] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGGATAGGCTCATT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,753] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGGATAGGGATGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,754] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGGATCATGACCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,755] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGGATGTCTGCCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,756] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGGATGTTAAAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,757] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGGTAAGACTTGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,758] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGGTACAGTTGCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,759] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGGTAGTTAAGATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,760] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGGTATCCAACAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,761] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGGTATCCGAGATT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,762] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTACAGTGAACGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,763] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTACCACGTACAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,764] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTACCAGCCCATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,765] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTACGTCGGAAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,766] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTACTCTTAGCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,767] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTTGAGCAGTACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,768] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTTGAGGATCCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,769] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTTGCACAAGGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,770] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTTGGTCATCTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,771] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTTGTCTCATGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,772] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTTGTCTCCAGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,773] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCCACACAGAGTAGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,774] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCCACACAGCGTCAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,775] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCCACACTCGGGTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,776] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCCCGATAGGCTCAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,777] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCCCGATCAAGACTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,778] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCCCGATCATTTGTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,779] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCCCGATGTCCGGTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,780] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCCCGATTCTGGCAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,781] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGAGGCAGGCATTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,782] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGAGGCAGTACGCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,783] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGAGGCCACCTGCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,784] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGAGGCGTAGTTCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,785] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGCGAGAGACAAAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,786] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGCGAGAGGAGCGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,787] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGCGAGGTACCGTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,788] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGCGAGTCTAGCCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,789] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGCGTTAGAGGCAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,790] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGCGTTCAAGTTGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,791] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGCGTTGTGCCATTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,792] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGCGTTTCCTACGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,793] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGGGACTCTACATGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,794] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGGTAACACGCTGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,795] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGGTAAGTTAGCTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,796] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGGTAATCCAGTCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,797] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGGTAATCGTTACCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,798] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGTACCAGATCCCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,799] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGTACCCAAAGGGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,800] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGTACCCATGTATGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,802] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGTACCGTCATCTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,803] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGTACCTCACACGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,804] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGTACCTCGTAGGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,805] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGTAGAAGCTGCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,806] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGTAGAAGGAGTTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,807] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGTAGACAAGTAAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,808] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTATTGAGATATACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,809] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTATTGCAAGCATGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,810] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTATTGCAGGGATCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,811] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTATTGGTACGTCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,812] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTCATAGTTAAGTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,813] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTCATATCACGAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,814] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTCATATCGCCAACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,815] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTCTAAAGATCCTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,816] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTCTAAAGGGTGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,817] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTCTAAAGGTAAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,818] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTCTAACACGAGTTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,819] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTCTAATCACGATAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,820] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTCTAATCTTGCTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,821] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTGAGAAGGTGCTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,822] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTGAGAAGGTGTGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,823] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTGGAAGTCCTCGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,824] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTGGAAGTGCCATTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,825] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTGGAATCAAGTTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,826] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTGGAATCGTATTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,827] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTTCGGAGATAGCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,828] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTTCGGAGGCTAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,829] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTTCGGCAACCCACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,830] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTTCGGCACTTGCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,831] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTTCGGGTGCTTTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,832] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTTTCCCAAACCCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,833] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTTTCCCATCCAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,834] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTTTCCGTTGCTGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,835] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTTTCCGTTGGAACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,836] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTTTCCTCCGACGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,837] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTTTCCTCGCGGCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,838] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAAAGACAAGTGAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,839] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAAAGACACAGAAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,840] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGACAACAGCGTAATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,841] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGACAACCATCAGCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,842] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGACGGCAGATTGAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,843] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGACGGCGTGAACACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,844] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGACGGCGTTCGCGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,845] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGACGGCTCGAGCACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,847] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGACTAGAGCGGCTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,848] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGACTAGAGGGTCGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,849] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGACTAGCAGACAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,849] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGACTAGGTTAAGTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,850] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGACTTTAGATATGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,851] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGACTTTGTCTTAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,852] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGACTTTTCGTATTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,853] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGAGGAGGTAAACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,854] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGAGGAGTTGGCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,855] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGAGGCATCTGTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,856] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGAGGCATGTTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,857] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGAGGGTTTACTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,858] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGAGGTCGATAAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,859] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGCATCAACGTCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,860] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGCATTCATGGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,861] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGCCGCAACCTGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,862] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGCCGGTTTGTCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,863] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGCCGTCAGCCCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,864] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGCCGTCCATTTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,865] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGCCGTCCTGAAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,866] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGGGAAGGTTCCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,867] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGGGAAGTGGAGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,868] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGGGAAGTTACGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,869] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGGGACACAAACTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,870] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGGGATCAGCCCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,871] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGATTTCAGCCGAACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,872] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGATTTCAGTGTATCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,873] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGATTTCGTCATGTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,874] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGATTTCGTGCAGGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,875] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGATTTCTCTCGGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,876] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCACCTAGCTACCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,877] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCACCTAGTCGCCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,878] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCACCTCATTCTTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,879] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCACCTGTTCTAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,880] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCACCTTCAGATTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,881] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCACCTTCAGGTACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,882] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCACCTTCGGATGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,883] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCAAAGTAGGGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,884] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCAAAGTCACCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,885] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCAAAGTGCCTGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,886] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCAAATCAGGGACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,887] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCAAATCAGTACCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,888] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCCATCAGTTGCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,889] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCCATCATCATGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,891] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCCATTCAACTGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,892] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCCATTCACGATAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,893] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCCATTCCCAAGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,894] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCCTACAGAATTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,895] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCCTAGTCCTACCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,896] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCCTATCAAGCCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,897] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCCTATCGCGGACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,898] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCGCAGAGTTTGCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,899] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCGCAGCACGCCTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,900] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCGCAGCATACTTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,901] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCGCAGCATCATGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,902] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCGGGTGTCCGCAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,903] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCGGGTTCGATGGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,904] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCGTGGCAAACCCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,905] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCGTGGCACCAAAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,906] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCGTGGCAGTACTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,907] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCGTGGTCGACCCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,908] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCTACCAGAGAGCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,909] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCTACCCACAGCTAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,910] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCTACCGTAAGAAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,911] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCTACCGTGATTGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,912] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCTACCTCGAGAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,913] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCTGCTAGACTGGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,914] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCTGCTAGTCCGTAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,915] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCTGCTCATGATGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,916] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCTGCTGTCTCTCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,917] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCTGCTGTGCTCGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,918] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGACGCCAACGCCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,919] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGACGCGTAGTTGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,920] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGACGCGTTTGGGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,921] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGCCAGAGAGCTTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,922] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGCCAGCAGCCAGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,923] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGCCAGCATTTAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,924] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGCGCACACGATAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,925] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGCGCAGTGCTTTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,926] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGCGCATCAAGAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,927] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGCTGGAGGCTCTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,928] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGCTGGAGGGATACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,929] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGCTGGAGTCATCCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,930] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGCTGGGTCCATGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,931] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGCTGGTCGCTATGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,932] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGGAAGAGACTTTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,933] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGGAAGAGCGATTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,934] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGGAAGAGGGATACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,935] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGGAAGCAGCGCATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,936] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGGAAGGTAACTAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,937] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGGAAGGTACCAGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,938] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGGAAGGTTCAAGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,939] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGGAAGTCCACTCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,940] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGGAAGTCTTAGCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,941] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGGCGTCAGACACAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,942] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGGCGTGTCCTCGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,943] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGGCGTTCCGTTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,944] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGGCGTTCTGTTGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,945] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGTTAGAGCTAGTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,946] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGTTAGAGTAGTATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,948] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGTTAGGTAGAATAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,949] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGTTAGGTAGTGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,950] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGTTAGTCAGAGTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,951] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGTTAGTCTTGCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,952] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGTTCCAGCGAGAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,953] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGTTCCAGTAATCCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,954] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGTTCCAGTAGGCCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,955] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGTTCCCAATCCTTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,956] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGTTCCGTCGGGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,957] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGTTCCTCAAAGTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,958] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGTTCCTCTAGCAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,959] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTATTCAGAGACTAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,960] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTATTCCACTACATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,961] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTATTCCAGAACAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,962] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTATTCGTGCATTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,963] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTATTCGTGGCCTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,964] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTCCCAAGCTAGTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,965] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTCCCACATCTCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,966] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTGGTAAGCTAGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,966] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTGGTAAGTGGTTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,967] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTGGTAAGTTGTAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,968] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTGGTACACGAGTTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,969] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTGGTAGTGGTGCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,970] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTGGTATCTGGTCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,972] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTGTTTCACGGAATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,973] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTGTTTGTCAATTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,974] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTTCCGAGGAGTCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,975] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTTCCGCAACATGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,976] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTTCCGCACCACACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,977] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTTCCGCACCTATGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,978] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTTCCGGTTCCCTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,978] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTTCCGTCGTCCCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,979] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAACTCAGACTGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,980] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAACTCAGCGAGAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,981] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAACTCAGGACAGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,982] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAACTCAGTAGCGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,983] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAACTCCACAGACCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,984] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAACTCCACTGCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,985] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAACTCCATTGTCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,986] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAACTCGTCATGCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,987] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAACTCGTGCCTGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,988] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAACTCTCACACTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,990] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAGGACAGGCGACAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,991] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAGGACCAAGACGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,991] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAGGACGTGCCTACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,992] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAGGCAAGGCCATAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,993] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAGGCACACCAGTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,994] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAGGCACATGAAAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,995] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAGGCACATTGAAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,996] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAGGCAGTATTCGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,997] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAGGCAGTCGACCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,998] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTATGCTAGCTCTCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:01,999] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTATGCTAGGGAGTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,000] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTATGCTCAGACTTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,001] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTATGCTCATAGACAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,002] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTATGCTGTACTCACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,002] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTATGCTGTGCAAACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,003] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTATGCTTCTCGGTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,004] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCCCAGCAGGCCTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,005] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCCCAGGTGGAAAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,006] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCCCAGGTGGTCAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,007] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCGAAGCATGGCACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,008] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCGAAGCATTTCCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,009] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCGAAGGTAAGTGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,010] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCGAAGTCCGCTCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,011] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCGGTCAGGCGTTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,012] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCGGTCAGGGTTCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,012] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCGGTCCAAACTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,013] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCGGTCGTAATCAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,014] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCGGTCGTAGACGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,015] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCGGTCGTCCTTGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,016] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCGGTCTCCGGCTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,017] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTACACAGTCCGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,018] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTACAGTAAGCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,019] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTACAGTCTTCGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,020] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTACAGTTGGGACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,021] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTACATCTGCTACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,022] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTCAAGTTTGTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,023] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTCAATCTGCCGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,023] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTCCTAGCAAAGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,024] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTCCTAGGGTTCCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,025] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTCCTGTACAAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,026] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTCCTTCACTCATT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,027] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTCCTTCTGGAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,028] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTCCTTCTGGCAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,029] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTTAGAGAAACGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,030] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTTAGAGCGTCAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,031] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTTAGCAACTACTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,031] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTTAGCACGAGCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,032] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTTAGTCATATCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,033] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTTAGTCTTATGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,034] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGAACGAGTTACCCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,035] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGAACGTCACGACGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,036] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGACTTAGGGCTTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,037] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGACTTAGTGTTGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,038] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGACTTCAATCGTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,039] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGACTTGTCGGCATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,040] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGCCGTTCACCGCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,041] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGCGTCAGTCGCGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,041] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGCGTCCACTCTTAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,042] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGCGTCTCAACAGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,043] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGCGTCTCGCTATGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,044] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGGAACAGATATGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,045] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGGAACAGGCTATCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,046] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGGAACGTTCCATGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,047] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGGCAACATAGGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,049] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGGCAAGTTGAAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,050] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGGCAATCCAACAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,050] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGGCAATCCAGGCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,051] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGTAGGAGAGGTACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,052] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGTAGGTCTCATCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,053] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTACTGCATGCCATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,054] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTACTGTCTAGAGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,055] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTATGCGTAACTGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,056] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTCCTCCAAGCTACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,057] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTCCTCGTCGATACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,058] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTCCTCGTGGTCAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,059] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTCCTCTCTATTGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,060] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTGCGCAGCTAAACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,061] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTGCGCGTGTCTCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,062] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTGCGCGTTTGCCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,063] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTGCGCTCAGTTCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,064] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTGCGCTCATATCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,065] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTGGTTAGGTGTGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,066] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTGGTTCATCGCATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,067] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTGGTTTCAGAGTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,068] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTGGTTTCAGTGCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,069] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTGTCACAACCCTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,070] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTGTCACAGATGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,071] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTGTCAGTCGCGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,072] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTGTCAGTCGCTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 10:24:02,073] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTGTCAGTTCAAGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,500] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAACCTGAGCCTATGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,514] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAACCTGGTGATAAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,515] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAACGGGTCTCCACAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,517] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAAGATGAGAGCTATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,518] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAAGTAGAGTGAACAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,519] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAATGCCGTCCATTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,520] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACACGTAGGGATTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,521] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACACGTAGTGGGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,522] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACACGTGTACGCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,523] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACCATGGTAACGTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,524] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACCGCGGTCGGATGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,525] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTCTTGTAAAGTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,526] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTGGTAGGGAAACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,527] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTGGTCATCTTTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,528] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTGGTCATTTCGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,530] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTTTCAGCGTCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,531] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTTTCAGGCTAGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,532] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTTTCAGTAGCCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,533] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AACTTTCGTCAGAAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,534] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGCCGCCATTTCGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,535] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGCCGCTCGATAGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,536] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGGTTCAGCTAGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,537] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGGTTCGTCCCTTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,538] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGGTTCTCTTGCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,539] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AAGTCTGCATCAGCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,540] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCAAAGCTACCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,541] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCAAGTCTTCACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,542] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACACCAATCTATGCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,543] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACAGCCGAGGCATTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,544] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACAGCTATCGTGAGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,545] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACATCAGCAATCCGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,546] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACATCAGCACTTGAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,547] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACATCAGGTTGAACAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,548] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACATGGTCATACTTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,549] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACATGGTCATTTCGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,550] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACATGGTGTTGCCAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,551] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACATGGTTCTCGTCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,553] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCAGTAGTCCGCAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,554] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCAGTATCAGCCACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,555] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCGTAAGTCTAGCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,556] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCGTAATCGAAGCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,557] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACCTTTACATAACTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,558] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGAGCCGTTGATCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,559] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGATACAGTACGTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,560] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGATGTTCGAACCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,561] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGCAGCTCGTTACTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,562] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGCCAGTCGGTCACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,562] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGAGAAGGGCCATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,563] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGCCAGTTTGTCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,564] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGGTCCAACGGCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,565] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACGGGTCGTGACCCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,567] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTATCTAGCTAAGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,567] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGAACCAGAATTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,568] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGCTCGTCTCGGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,569] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTGTCCCAGGGACTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,570] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTTACTCATAGTGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,571] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ACTTACTTCTATTGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,572] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAATAGGTCCGGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,574] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGACGTTGTGTGTATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,574] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGACGTTTCCACCGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,575] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAGCGACATACGTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,576] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAGCGAGTCGTGAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,577] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAGCTTCAGGTGCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,578] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAGCTTGTTGCGGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,579] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAGTGGTCAGTAAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,581] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAGTGGTCAGTGCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,582] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGAGTGGTCTTCTAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,583] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGATCTGTCCTGAAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,584] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCAGCCGTCCAGCCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,585] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCAGCCTCACACGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,586] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCATACCATGTTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,587] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCCTAAAGTGGTTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,588] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCCTAATCCGCTTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,589] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCCTAATCGCTGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,590] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCGTATCACTCATGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,591] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCGTATTCTGAAGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,592] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCTCCTTCGATAGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,593] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCTTGAAGACTAAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,594] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGCTTGAAGGCAGGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,596] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGCCACTCGTAACCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,596] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGGTGAAGAGCTATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,598] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGGTGACATGGGCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,598] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGTCCGGTCGCGTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,600] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGGTCCGTCCGACCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,601] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTAGTCCACGAGTTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,601] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTCTTTCAACGAAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,602] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTGGGACACTACGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,603] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTGGGACACTTGAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,605] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: AGTTGGTCATCCCAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,606] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATAACGCCAAAGCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,607] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATAACGCCAAAGGGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,608] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATAAGAGTCGCTCTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,609] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCATCTAGAAGGCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,610] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCATGGCAGTGTAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,611] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCCGAAGTACTTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,612] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCCGAAGTATTGCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,613] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCGAGTGTTGATCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,614] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCTGCCAGGCAGTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,615] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCTGCCGTTAAGTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,616] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATCTGCCTCCTCTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,617] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGAGGGAGTACGACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,617] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGAGGGCAACGCGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,618] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATGGGAGAGATCTGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,619] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTACTCAGTTTCTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,620] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTACTCCAGGTACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,621] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTCTACTCTCCAGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,622] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTGGACAGCGTGAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,623] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTGGACCATGCGTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,624] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTGGTGCACCGAACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,625] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTGGTGCATTATCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,626] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: ATTGGTGTCGATAGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,627] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAACCAACACCCGTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,628] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAACCAAGTAGCTAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,629] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAACCTCTCATGACCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,630] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGAAAGTGTCTGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,631] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAAGATCAGTCCAGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,632] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACAAACCAGCTTGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,636] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACACAACAACATAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,637] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACACAACAGACGAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,638] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACACCTCAAGCCAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,639] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACACTCAGGGCTTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,640] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACAGGCAGCGACGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,641] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACCACTCATCATGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,642] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CACCTTGCACAAGCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,643] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGAATCCATGTTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,644] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGAGAGTCATTTGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,646] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCAGCCAGTCCCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,647] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCATAAGCCGGTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,648] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCATACACCTATGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,649] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCATACATGGGCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,650] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCCGAGTGTAACCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,651] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCTAACACTAAGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,652] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCTAATCAAGTGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,653] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCTAATCTAGCAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,654] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGCTGGAGAGACGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,655] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CAGGTGCTCGACCATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,656] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCAGATCATGGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,657] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCCACTCTGGTGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,658] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCGAACATCCCAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,659] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATCGAATCGAGCCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,660] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CATGCCTAGTCGCCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,661] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCAATCCCACAGCCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,662] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCACCTACATCCCTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,663] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCACGGAAGACAGAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,664] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCACGGACAGACACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,665] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCACTACGTTAGAGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,666] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCATGTCCATGACTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,667] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCATTCGGTGACGGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,668] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCCATACCAAGACGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,669] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCCTCCTAGGGCTTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,671] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGGGATAGGCTAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,672] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGTACTAGCGCGATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,673] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGTGGAGTAATCAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,674] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCGTGGAGTCATGCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,675] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTACACGTGGTTCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,676] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTACCATCTTCTTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,677] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTCAGTAGTCTCGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,678] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CCTTTCTTCTTTCGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,679] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAACATTCTCTAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,680] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAATGTCAGGTCCCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,681] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAATGTGTAGCAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,683] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGACCTTAGGCCCTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,684] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAGAAGTCGAAGCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,685] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGAGCACAGCGTAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,686] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGATGTAGTTCAGTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,687] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCGTTTAGCCCAGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,688] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCGTTTCACTACATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,688] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCGTTTGTGCTTCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,689] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCGTTTTCGATAGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,690] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCTATCGTGTTCGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,691] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCTGGACATAGTGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,693] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCTGGAGTAACGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,693] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCTGGAGTAGCAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,694] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCTGGAGTTGCCTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,695] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGCTTCACAGTCGGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,696] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGACGTTCCTCCTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,697] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGACTGCAGCCCATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,699] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGACTGTCCACTTAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,700] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGAGCTCAACAACTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,701] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGAGCTCAGAGGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,702] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGAGCTCAGGTCAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,703] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGAGCTGTTCTCTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,704] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGAGCTTCACAGCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,705] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGAGTCGTCGCAAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,706] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGCTAGGTACTCGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,707] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGGTTAATCTGGGACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,708] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTAGCGCATGACCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,709] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCACTAGGCTATCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,710] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTCCATTCAGGACAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,711] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTGTAATCGCCAACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,712] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTGTCTAGGCTGCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,713] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTAGAAGAGCCACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,713] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTAGAGTTATGCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,714] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTCTGAGCCCGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,716] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTCTGAGCTTTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,717] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CGTTGGGTCTGACGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,717] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAACTTCAGTTGCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,718] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAACTTGTACGTAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,719] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAAGACTCCCTAAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,721] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAATGGGTGGAGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,722] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAATGGTCAACTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,723] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACACCCATTCGTTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,724] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACACCGTTAAGCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,725] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACATTAGGGCCATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,726] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACATTGTAGCAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,727] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACATTTCCCAAAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,728] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACCCAGTCCGAAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,729] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACCCATCTGTGAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,730] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTACGTCGTACCGTCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,731] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAGAGTTCTCACCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,732] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTAGCCTGTTAACCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,733] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCACACCAAGAGACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,734] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCACACGTCAACTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,735] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCAGAAGTATAAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,736] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCAGAATCGTGTACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,737] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCATTAAGGCATGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,738] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGAAAGTTAACCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,739] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGGAGCAAGACTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,740] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGGAGCATCCAGGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,741] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGGAGTCGGCACCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,742] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGTACAGATATACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,743] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCGTACGTCTTCACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,744] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCTAATTCAGGGACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,745] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCTGGTGTCAGGTAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,746] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTCTGGTTCTCGTGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,747] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGAAGTCAGGGATCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,748] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGATCCAGGACACCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,750] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGCCTAGTAGTAGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,751] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGCCTAGTTGGTGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,752] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGGTCTCATGCCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,753] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGTGCTAGCCAGTTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,754] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTGTGCTGTCATGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,755] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTACCGCAGGAGCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,756] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTGGCTCAACCTGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,757] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTGGCTGTACCTAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,758] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: CTTTGCGGTCGCGAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,759] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAACCTAAGATAGTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,760] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAACGGAAGGCATTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,761] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAACGGATCGCTCTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,762] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAATAAGCAATGGGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,763] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACACGCCAGGCCTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,764] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACACGCTCCGTATTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,765] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACAGAGAGAGTAATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,766] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACCAATAGTAGTGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,767] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACCTGGAGAGCAATT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,768] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGGCTCAGCTTGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,769] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGGCTCAGTGTGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,770] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACGTGCGTTACGCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,771] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACTACACAATAGGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,772] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GACTGCGTCCCACGGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,773] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAGCAGAAGGGAAACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,774] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAGGTGAGTCATGGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,775] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GAGGTGATCGCTCTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,776] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCAGTGTACCGCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,777] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCGCGGTCATCTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,778] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATCTAGGTCTTAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,779] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATGAAAGTACGTTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,780] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GATGCTACACATCGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,781] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAAACTTCGCAGCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,782] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAATCAGTACTGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,783] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAATCAGTCGTGAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,784] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAGTTAAGTCTCCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,784] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCAGTTATCATTTGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,785] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATACAGTTGATCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,786] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATGCGGTCATGCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,787] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATGCGGTCTCGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,789] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATGCGTCGAGCACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,790] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCATGTAAGACTGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,791] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCCTCTAGTCACCTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,792] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGAGAAAGCACACAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,793] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGAGAATCCTACCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,794] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCAACCAACTAGTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,795] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCAGTGTATGCTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,796] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCAGTGTGACATCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,797] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCGATAGCGTCAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,798] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGCGATAGTCGAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,799] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCGGGTTAGCCTAACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,800] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTCCTATCATCGGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,801] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTGCGAGTCGTGAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,802] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTGGGTCAGAAGACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,803] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTGGGTTCCTCATCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,805] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GCTTCCAAGTTCGCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,806] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAAAGCAGAGCTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,807] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAAAGCGTTGCCTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,808] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAACTTGTACAACGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,809] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAACTTGTGAGCGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,810] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAACTTTCGGGTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,811] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAATAACACCAATGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,812] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAATAAGTCGGATGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,813] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGAATAATCTGGTAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,814] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACAAGAGATGTAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,815] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACAAGTCAGCAGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,816] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACAGATCTGGGATT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,817] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACATTCAAATACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,818] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACGTCAGTGGGTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,819] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGACGTCTCTGGAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,820] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGATGTTCAGTCCGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,821] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGATTACGTACCAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,822] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCGACTAGTGCGTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,823] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCGTGTTCTCCGGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,824] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCTCGAAGACTGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,825] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCTCGAAGTGGCACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,826] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGCTCGAGTAAGCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,827] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGACCTCAGGACCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,829] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGACCTTCGGCTCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,830] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGAGATGTTTCCTGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,831] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGATGAAGCACGCCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,832] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGCACTAGATATACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,833] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGGTTGCAGAGCTGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,834] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGTGAAGAGAATGTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,835] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGTGCGTTCTAAGACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,836] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GGTGTTACACTGTATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,837] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTAACGTAGACCACGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,838] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTAACTGCATACGTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,839] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTACGTAAGTTAGGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,840] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTACGTATCCACCCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,841] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTACTTTGTACAGGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,842] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTAGGCCAGTGGACGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,843] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTAGTCAAGGGATCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,844] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTAGTCAGTGGTGCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,845] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTATCTTCATATCGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,846] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTATCTTTCATGCGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,847] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACAATCCAACAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,848] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCACAATCCAGTCTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,849] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCCTCAAGACAGAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,850] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCCTCAAGCCAACAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,851] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCCTCATCAGAGCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,852] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCTTCGCAGCGTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,853] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTCTTCGTCGGTAAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,854] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGAAGGCATACGGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,855] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGAAGGTCATCGCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,856] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCAGCCACCTGGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,858] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCATAAGTTGGCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,859] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGCGGTGTAGAATAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,860] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTGTTAGAGGCATATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,861] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTAAGCTCGGTAAGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,862] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTCATTTCGATAAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,863] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: GTTTCTATCTCTAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,864] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAAGAGACAGTACTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,865] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAAGAGATCCTTGCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,866] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACAGTGCAGTACCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,867] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACAGTGTCCGCTTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,868] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACCTATCACTCCGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,869] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGATTCGGAATCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,870] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACGGGCGTAGACGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,871] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTCATAGACTTGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,872] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTCATGTTACGCGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,873] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TACTCATTCAGCACGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,875] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGCCGGAGGAGTTTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,875] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGCCGGGTTGACCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,877] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGCCGGTCTGAAGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,877] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGGCATTCGTAACCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,878] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGTGGTAGCAAAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,880] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGTGGTTCTGGTGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,881] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TAGTTGGGTCATGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,882] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATCAGGAGGCTCAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,883] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATCAGGCAACCTGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,884] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATGCCCGTGGAAAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,885] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TATTACCAGCCGTCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,886] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAACGATCGACGAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,887] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAATCTAGTGGCACA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,888] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAATCTGTGTTCCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,888] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCACAAGCAGAATTCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,889] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCACAAGGTAGTTCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,891] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCACGAAGTGACGGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,892] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGCAATCTACAAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,893] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGCTCGTCGTCTTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,894] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGGATCATGTTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,895] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCAGGATGTGCAGGTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,896] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTACAGTCGAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,897] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTACCACATAAAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,898] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTACTCTTGTCCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,899] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTTGAGGTGTGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,900] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTTGCATTGGTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,901] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTTGGTCCGCAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,902] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCATTTGTCAGCGCGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,903] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCCACACGTTCTAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,904] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCCCGATCACGCACGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,905] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGAGGCAGGCCCACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,906] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGCGAGAGCAACGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,907] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGCGAGCATGAATGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,908] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGCGTTCAGACAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,909] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGGGACCATTACAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,910] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCGTAGAAGCAGGTCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,911] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTATTGTCCCAGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,912] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTCATACAGGTGTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,913] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTCATATCACGAGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,914] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTCTAACATATGGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,915] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTCTAAGTCCGAAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,916] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTGAGAAGAGGGATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,917] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTGAGAAGCGATGAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,918] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTGAGAAGTCGTGTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,919] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTGGAACATAGGTCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,919] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTTTCCAGCTCTCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,921] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TCTTTCCCACCAATGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,922] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAAAGAAGACAGAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,923] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAAAGAAGCGATTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,924] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGACAACTCTAACGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,925] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGACTAGAGTACGTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,927] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGACTAGGTCGGGAAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,928] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGACTAGTCAGAGTAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,929] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGAGGGTTAGTCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,930] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGAGGTCCACCCAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,931] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGAGCCGGTCTCTATT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,931] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGATTTCCATACCAGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,932] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGATTTCGTCTACATG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,933] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCACCTTCATGGGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,934] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCAAATCAGTGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,936] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCCTATCCGTATTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,937] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCCCTATCCTCGCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,938] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCGCAGAGAGGCAAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,938] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCGGGTGTTAAAGGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,940] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCGTGGCAGGGACTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,941] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCTACCGTCTCGGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,942] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGCTGCTCAGATATCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,943] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGACGCAGCTAACTC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,944] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGACGCTCTCGTGGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,945] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGCCAGAGAATGTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,946] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGCCAGGTGTTCGAT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,947] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGCGCACATGTTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,948] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGGAAGAGATATGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,949] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGGAAGCAACAGTGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,950] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGGAAGGTAGTGACG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,951] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGGAAGTCTCATCTA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,952] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGGCGTAGGGTTCGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,953] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGTTAGGTAGATGCG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,954] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGGTTCCAGACAGAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,954] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTGGTAAGCGCGATA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,955] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTGGTAAGGCGTTGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,956] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTGGTAGTACTGTTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,957] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTGTTTAGTTCGATC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,959] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTGTTTGTCTTCACC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,960] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TGTGTTTTCTACAGTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,961] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAGGCAGTACCAACT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,962] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAGTTCAGAATGTGT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,963] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTAGTTCAGTTTCCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,964] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCCCAGCATTACAGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,965] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCCCAGTCACGATAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,966] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCGGTCCAGATATCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,967] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCGGTCCATTCCGAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,968] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTCAATCTGGGCTG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,969] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTCCTGTCAAGCAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,970] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTCTTAGTCTGCTAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,970] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGAACGAGAGTCCTT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,971] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGAACGGTTCCCTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,972] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGAACGTCAGGTGAG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,973] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGAACGTCGCAGCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,975] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGAACGTCGCCCAGA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,976] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGCCGTAGCGTTGCC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,976] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGCCGTAGGCTAGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,977] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGCCGTCAAAGTAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,979] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGCGTCTCTCCATGC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,979] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGGAACGTGCTTCGG-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,981] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGGAACTCACTTTAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,981] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTGTAGGAGAGCCCAA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,982] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTACTGTCGATTGCA-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,983] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTACTGTCGGAGAAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,984] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTGCGCTCTGGGCAC-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:02:38,985] multiqc [DEBUG ] Ignoring file as matched an ignore pattern: TTTGTCACACGACGCT-1.bam [2019-08-29 11:04:03,719] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: custom_content [2019-08-29 11:04:03,736] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: conpair [2019-08-29 11:04:03,754] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: peddy [2019-08-29 11:04:03,775] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: methylQA [2019-08-29 11:04:03,795] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: phantompeakqualtools [2019-08-29 11:04:08,395] multiqc.modules.qualimap.QM_BamQC [DEBUG ] Using default Qualimap thresholds: 1, 5, 10, 30, 50 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,197] multiqc.modules.qualimap.qualimap [INFO ] Found 20 BamQC reports [2019-08-29 11:04:09,211] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: preseq [2019-08-29 11:04:09,229] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: quast [2019-08-29 11:04:09,248] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: qorts [2019-08-29 11:04:09,265] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: rna_seqc [2019-08-29 11:04:09,282] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: rsem [2019-08-29 11:04:09,322] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: rseqc [2019-08-29 11:04:09,340] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: busco [2019-08-29 11:04:09,357] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: goleft_indexcov [2019-08-29 11:04:09,374] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: disambiguate [2019-08-29 11:04:09,393] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: supernova [2019-08-29 11:04:09,433] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: deeptools [2019-08-29 11:04:09,450] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: sargasso [2019-08-29 11:04:09,470] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: verifybamid [2019-08-29 11:04:09,494] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: mirtrace [2019-08-29 11:04:09,514] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: happy [2019-08-29 11:04:09,543] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: homer [2019-08-29 11:04:09,563] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: macs2 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,586] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: theta2 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,611] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: snpeff [2019-08-29 11:04:09,636] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: gatk [2019-08-29 11:04:09,655] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: htseq [2019-08-29 11:04:09,675] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: bcftools [2019-08-29 11:04:09,692] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: featureCounts [2019-08-29 11:04:09,713] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: dedup [2019-08-29 11:04:09,731] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: damageprofiler [2019-08-29 11:04:09,790] multiqc.modules.picard.GcBiasMetrics [DEBUG ] Duplicate sample name found in merged_DeadCell_1.bam.gc.summary.txt! Overwriting: merged_DeadCell_1 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,796] multiqc.modules.picard.GcBiasMetrics [DEBUG ] Duplicate sample name found in merged_DeadCell_2_2.bam.gc.summary.txt! Overwriting: merged_DeadCell_2_2 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,801] multiqc.modules.picard.GcBiasMetrics [DEBUG ] Duplicate sample name found in merged_DeadCell_2.bam.gc.summary.txt! Overwriting: merged_DeadCell_2 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,806] multiqc.modules.picard.GcBiasMetrics [DEBUG ] Duplicate sample name found in merged_DeadCell.bam.gc.summary.txt! Overwriting: merged_DeadCell [2019-08-29 11:04:09,811] multiqc.modules.picard.GcBiasMetrics [DEBUG ] Duplicate sample name found in SI-GA-A4.bam.gc.summary.txt! Overwriting: SI-GA-A4 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,816] multiqc.modules.picard.GcBiasMetrics [DEBUG ] Duplicate sample name found in SI-GA-A3.bam.gc.summary.txt! Overwriting: SI-GA-A3 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,820] multiqc.modules.picard.GcBiasMetrics [DEBUG ] Duplicate sample name found in SI-GA-B3.bam.gc.summary.txt! Overwriting: SI-GA-B3 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,825] multiqc.modules.picard.GcBiasMetrics [DEBUG ] Duplicate sample name found in SI-GA-B4.bam.gc.summary.txt! Overwriting: SI-GA-B4 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,830] multiqc.modules.picard.GcBiasMetrics [DEBUG ] Duplicate sample name found in SI-GA-C3.bam.gc.summary.txt! Overwriting: SI-GA-C3 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,835] multiqc.modules.picard.GcBiasMetrics [DEBUG ] Duplicate sample name found in SI-GA-C4.bam.gc.summary.txt! Overwriting: SI-GA-C4 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,840] multiqc.modules.picard.GcBiasMetrics [DEBUG ] Duplicate sample name found in SI-GA-D3.bam.gc.summary.txt! Overwriting: SI-GA-D3 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,845] multiqc.modules.picard.GcBiasMetrics [DEBUG ] Duplicate sample name found in SI-GA-D4.bam.gc.summary.txt! Overwriting: SI-GA-D4 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,850] multiqc.modules.picard.GcBiasMetrics [DEBUG ] Duplicate sample name found in SI-GA-E4.bam.gc.summary.txt! Overwriting: SI-GA-E4 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,855] multiqc.modules.picard.GcBiasMetrics [DEBUG ] Duplicate sample name found in SI-GA-E3.bam.gc.summary.txt! Overwriting: SI-GA-E3 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,860] multiqc.modules.picard.GcBiasMetrics [DEBUG ] Duplicate sample name found in SI-GA-F3.bam.gc.summary.txt! Overwriting: SI-GA-F3 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,865] multiqc.modules.picard.GcBiasMetrics [DEBUG ] Duplicate sample name found in SI-GA-F4.bam.gc.summary.txt! Overwriting: SI-GA-F4 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,870] multiqc.modules.picard.GcBiasMetrics [DEBUG ] Duplicate sample name found in SI-GA-G3.bam.gc.summary.txt! Overwriting: SI-GA-G3 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,875] multiqc.modules.picard.GcBiasMetrics [DEBUG ] Duplicate sample name found in SI-GA-G4.bam.gc.summary.txt! Overwriting: SI-GA-G4 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,880] multiqc.modules.picard.GcBiasMetrics [DEBUG ] Duplicate sample name found in SI-GA-H4.bam.gc.summary.txt! Overwriting: SI-GA-H4 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,885] multiqc.modules.picard.GcBiasMetrics [DEBUG ] Duplicate sample name found in SI-GA-H3.bam.gc.summary.txt! Overwriting: SI-GA-H3 [2019-08-29 11:04:09,942] multiqc.modules.picard.picard [INFO ] Found 20 GcBiasMetrics reports [2019-08-29 11:04:09,961] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: prokka [2019-08-29 11:04:09,980] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: samblaster [2019-08-29 11:04:10,347] multiqc.modules.samtools.samtools [INFO ] Found 20 stats reports [2019-08-29 11:04:10,394] multiqc.modules.samtools.samtools [INFO ] Found 4 flagstat reports [2019-08-29 11:04:10,412] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: bamtools [2019-08-29 11:04:10,428] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: jellyfish [2019-08-29 11:04:10,453] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: vcftools [2019-08-29 11:04:10,472] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: longranger [2019-08-29 11:04:10,491] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: stacks [2019-08-29 11:04:10,533] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: bbmap [2019-08-29 11:04:10,553] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: bismark [2019-08-29 11:04:10,570] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: biscuit [2019-08-29 11:04:10,587] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: hicexplorer [2019-08-29 11:04:10,603] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: hicup [2019-08-29 11:04:10,624] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: hicpro [2019-08-29 11:04:10,643] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: salmon [2019-08-29 11:04:10,661] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: kallisto [2019-08-29 11:04:10,679] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: slamdunk [2019-08-29 11:04:10,697] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: star [2019-08-29 11:04:10,715] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: hisat2 [2019-08-29 11:04:10,734] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: tophat [2019-08-29 11:04:10,751] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: bowtie2 [2019-08-29 11:04:10,830] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: bowtie1 [2019-08-29 11:04:10,846] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: kat [2019-08-29 11:04:10,862] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: leehom [2019-08-29 11:04:10,879] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: adapterRemoval [2019-08-29 11:04:10,898] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: clipandmerge [2019-08-29 11:04:10,916] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: cutadapt [2019-08-29 11:04:10,934] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: flexbar [2019-08-29 11:04:10,951] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: trimmomatic [2019-08-29 11:04:10,968] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: skewer [2019-08-29 11:04:10,988] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: sortmerna [2019-08-29 11:04:11,004] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: biobloomtools [2019-08-29 11:04:11,614] multiqc.modules.fastq_screen.fastq_screen [INFO ] Found 31 reports [2019-08-29 11:04:11,656] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: afterqc [2019-08-29 11:04:11,677] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: fastp [2019-08-29 11:04:11,705] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: fastqc [2019-08-29 11:04:11,728] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: minionqc [2019-08-29 11:04:11,749] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: clusterflow [2019-08-29 11:04:11,768] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: bcl2fastq [2019-08-29 11:04:11,787] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: interop [2019-08-29 11:04:11,804] multiqc [DEBUG ] No samples found: flash [2019-08-29 11:04:12,058] multiqc [INFO ] Compressing plot data [2019-08-29 11:04:15,238] multiqc [WARNING] Deleting : multiqc_report.html (-f was specified) [2019-08-29 11:04:15,242] multiqc [WARNING] Deleting : multiqc_data (-f was specified) [2019-08-29 11:04:15,261] multiqc [INFO ] Report : multiqc_report.html [2019-08-29 11:04:15,262] multiqc [INFO ] Data : multiqc_data [2019-08-29 11:04:15,264] multiqc [DEBUG ] Moving data file from '/projects/bioSCRATCH/rcorbett/tmpXQSfTz/multiqc_data/multiqc_picard_gcbias.txt' to '/projects/rcorbettprj2/TechD/10x_vs_inhouse/bams/multiqc_data' [2019-08-29 11:04:15,276] multiqc [DEBUG ] Moving data file from '/projects/bioSCRATCH/rcorbett/tmpXQSfTz/multiqc_data/multiqc_samtools_stats.txt' to '/projects/rcorbettprj2/TechD/10x_vs_inhouse/bams/multiqc_data' [2019-08-29 11:04:15,286] multiqc [DEBUG ] Moving data file from '/projects/bioSCRATCH/rcorbett/tmpXQSfTz/multiqc_data/multiqc_samtools_flagstat.txt' to '/projects/rcorbettprj2/TechD/10x_vs_inhouse/bams/multiqc_data' [2019-08-29 11:04:15,295] multiqc [DEBUG ] Moving data file from '/projects/bioSCRATCH/rcorbett/tmpXQSfTz/multiqc_data/multiqc_fastq_screen.txt' to '/projects/rcorbettprj2/TechD/10x_vs_inhouse/bams/multiqc_data' [2019-08-29 11:04:15,305] multiqc [DEBUG ] Moving data file from '/projects/bioSCRATCH/rcorbett/tmpXQSfTz/multiqc_data/multiqc_general_stats.txt' to '/projects/rcorbettprj2/TechD/10x_vs_inhouse/bams/multiqc_data' [2019-08-29 11:04:15,318] multiqc [DEBUG ] Moving data file from '/projects/bioSCRATCH/rcorbett/tmpXQSfTz/multiqc_data/multiqc_sources.txt' to '/projects/rcorbettprj2/TechD/10x_vs_inhouse/bams/multiqc_data' [2019-08-29 11:04:15,330] multiqc [DEBUG ] Moving data file from '/projects/bioSCRATCH/rcorbett/tmpXQSfTz/multiqc_data/multiqc_data.json' to '/projects/rcorbettprj2/TechD/10x_vs_inhouse/bams/multiqc_data' [2019-08-29 11:04:16,586] multiqc [INFO ] MultiQC complete