
VEP run statistics

VEP version (API) 86 (86)
Cache/Database /projects/rmorin/reference/ensembl_vep_cache//homo_sapiens/86_GRCh37
Species homo_sapiens
Command line options
--cache --dir /projects/rmorin/reference/ensembl_vep_cache/ -i ./DLBCL.vcf -o DLBCL.vep.vcf --vcf --hgvs --symbol --canonical --pick --fasta /projects/rmorin/reference/lcr-modules-references/genomes/grch37/genome_fasta/genome.fa --assembly GRCh37 --offline
Start time 2024-04-19 14:53:32
End time 2024-04-19 14:56:47
Run time 195 seconds
Input file (format) ./DLBCL.vcf (VCF)
Output file DLBCL.vep.vcf [text]

General statistics

Lines of input read 57848
Variants processed 57757
Variants remaining after filtering 57757
Lines of output written 57757
Novel / existing variants -
Overlapped genes 270
Overlapped transcripts 317
Overlapped regulatory features -

Variant classes


Consequences (most severe)


Consequences (all)


Coding consequences


Variants by chromosome


Distribution of variants on chromosome 1


Distribution of variants on chromosome 2


Distribution of variants on chromosome 3


Distribution of variants on chromosome 4


Distribution of variants on chromosome 5


Distribution of variants on chromosome 6


Distribution of variants on chromosome 7


Distribution of variants on chromosome 8


Distribution of variants on chromosome 9


Distribution of variants on chromosome 10


Distribution of variants on chromosome 11


Distribution of variants on chromosome 12


Distribution of variants on chromosome 13


Distribution of variants on chromosome 14


Distribution of variants on chromosome 15


Distribution of variants on chromosome 16


Distribution of variants on chromosome 17


Distribution of variants on chromosome 18


Distribution of variants on chromosome 19


Distribution of variants on chromosome 20


Distribution of variants on chromosome 21


Distribution of variants on chromosome 22


Distribution of variants on chromosome X


Position in protein