ALEXA logo and images of BC Cancer Agency
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List of recent events pertaining to ALEXA Welcome to the ALEXA platform banner

Oct. 2009: Release of the ALEXA-Seq data viewer.

Nov. 2009: The first data set analyzed can be viewed here: 5-FU resistance.

Apr. 2010: ALEXA-Seq analysis is now completed for 16 of 19 data sets representing 155 RNA-Seq libraries. See the results section for details.

May 2010: Release of ALEXA-Seq code.

June 2010: Our collorators at the LBL are using ALEXA-Seq to analyze some of their data:

Click one of the buttons below to jump straight to alternative expression results or search for a specific gene,

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We use the term 'ALEXA' to describe a collection of novel genomic methods for 'alternative expression' analysis. 'Alternative expression' refers to the identification and quantification of alternative mRNA transcripts produced by alternative transcript initiation, alternative splicing and alternative polyadenylation. This website provides supplementary materials, source code and other downloads for recent publications describing our studies of alternative expression (AE). Most recently we have developed a method, 'ALEXA-Seq' and associated resources for alternative expression analysis by massively parallel RNA sequencing.

This work was conducted at the Genome Sciences Centre a department of the British Columbia Cancer Agency.

Click on the appropriate tab to navigate to the supplementary materials for one or our studies. See the acknowledgements section for citations.

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